Chapter 4. Act 5: New Goal, New Me

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We arrived what appeared to be a guild where mercenaries and adventurers were. I felt like a giddy kid again, experiencing the view of every warrior, hunter, and even mages. At one of the tables, I was able to spot out Corov and Ur'nairu. Me and Elisa headed over and joined them.

"What you got for us Corvo?" Elisa asked enthusiastically.

I was puzzled to where and why we are here. Elisa informed this is where we can find work to make an earning. However, they don't make dealings with other races, mainly human work. Yet these guys somehow manage.

Corvo slides us our options to choose from. They all seemed pretty easy to choose from. Ranging from Gathering herbs, killing bandits, to capturing targets. All were within human territory. Upon reading closer, the capture targets are usually those of Baron Sympathizers.

Being reminded of the parade gave me shivers. Unfortunately, there were assassination targets placed by house of nobles. Most I recognized along with few that were new. They were mostly after each other, high figures to gain political power.

There was one assassination contract written by an anonymous person that caught my attention. I reached for it. My actions caught the other three and gathered around me.

The assassination of King Harris the third. To know Harris had an heir, let alone a lineage baffled me. What surprised me the most is that the reward wasn't that high compared to the others. Ranging from five thousand, compared to hundred thousand to even a million.

Despite the protest I would get from the others, I wanted to claim it. Corvo saw it as just another political competition. Ur'nairu saw it as more senseless violence, a person committing regicide just for power. Elisa had no opinion, but asked if I was sure this was something I wanted.

I brushed all their concerns and told them, "It's all I have going for. I want to free my people."

The table was silence, but can observe a faint grin on Elisa and Ur'nairu.

Corvo nods and stated, "Then you can claim it. It has no expiration date."

Upon looking at the contract, I noticed it was published five years ago. It felt off, having some suspicion, but denied the claims. I now have a new goal and something to strive for.

A contract caught Elisa's attention and hastily reached for it. She was leaning on top of me, pressing her body against me whilst grasping the paper. For a fire person, I was able to feel something soft pressing against me, sending a bit of red in my cheeks. She presented it in front of all of us to read.

Pirate founded right outside the boarder of human territory. The contract stated that the colony on the outskirt just needed help defending. It seems plausible from what I could tell. The money seems to be a lot for what seems like a simple task.

Elisa jumps up and exclaims, "Let's go do it! It's time for an Adventure!" Her fist thrusting into the air.

Ur'nairu stood up and rested his arm on her shoulder. "Adventure Time!"

I couldn't help but grin and join them and shouted, "It's Adventure Time!"

Corvo shook his head and sighed.

As we boarded the train departing to the outskirt, we had strange looks from the others. They were emitting an aura of disgust to foreseen adventurers.

Judging from the others, they gave off that sense of discrimination, yet aren't fazed at all by it. Out of everyone here who's dressed the part, Corvo is more fitted here. I do wish I had kept some of my formal attire.

We were escorted to our designated car. Inside was ever so luxurious than the previous. It had ornament of the lion, eagle, and serpents. Three animal guides of the other human kingdoms that once neighbored Lucida. Even if the others were subjugated by my brother, he was able to unite everyone under one nation. This was at the cost of their freedom.

Elisa leaped onto a sofa and made herself cozy. From the corner of my eyes, I spotted Ur'nairu sitting down. He appeared to be at peace, yet can tell he was focusing on something. Could it be spiritual?

I wanted to ask him what he was doing, but my shoulder was weighed down by Corvo's grip. He told me to follow him to an office side room in our car.

Upon following, it felt nervous to be singled out by him. Examining his elegant designed suit with gold trimmings. His fur that I could see had a glossy shine with stripped lighter pattern.

When we entered, he sat down in a leather seat which allured me with a comforting feeling. I sat across from the desk in which he hunched over, fingers interlocking and observing.

"I must ask," he stated with a cold and serious demeanor. "Are you sure you want to over throw the king?"

The thought of him asking this made me slightly paranoid. For him to ask me this? I had no definitive response and replied with a slight nod.

His eyes were locked onto mine. Sharp and calculating, reading into my soul and judging me intensely. He followed up with, "Do you have any plans on how?"

I couldn't reject his opinion on the matter. It was redundant for him to ask that for he already knew I didn't have any plan. Nor did I even think of the matter.

I wanted to try something and anything would have been better than to stay silent. It was as if something was holding me back. A fear of doubt as no words nor sound could escape.

Corvo let out a quite sigh and leaned back into his chair. The expression on his face tells it all. Arms crossed, keeping his focus on the papers spread out of the desk. I wanted to know if there really was any way for me to accomplish this contract. To reclaim my kingdom as it should be and revert the damage my brother has done.

I told Corvo, "I need to do this. It's my destiny to set things right. As prince of Lucida."

"Your own destiny or a destiny someone put onto you?"

His words made me second guess what I told him. I stood by my own beliefs and nodded confidently by my own choices. To know this is what I wanted.

He let out a small grin and glanced at me.

"If what you say is true, then you truly are the lost prince. However," he leaned in closer, ensuring only I listen carefully to his words. "You can't be going around saying you're Baron von Giggison."

Unable to comes into terms with what he's saying. I questioned him further onto why.

"Because if people spread rumors the prince has returned, what is to say Harris wouldn't come hunting you down? Finishing the job?"

He sorted the papers and slid a document towards me, showing me what looks like an identification sheet. A lot to read but it boils down to who I will be in this new life. Before I wanted to voice my opinion, he pondered, "What will you be in the new world?"

I picked up the ink pen and rest it above the line. There was so many names revolving around me. I wanted to try out every single one, but couldn't as doubt block me from filling it out. I could choose a name to honor someone, William or Gavin. My father, or one of the nobles. Maybe something Rosaria related.

All my choices lead me to one name that I almost forgotten. It seemed fitting and is a name no one would really question. I grasped the pen and held tightly. Scribing the name, I chosen and thus slide it back to Corvo.

He surveys the name and gave a gentle nod. "Welcome to the team, Piero."

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