Chapter 3. Act 4: Not Human nor Enkindler

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The timing had to be perfect. We saw our exit not in the form of a door, but a pile of shrubs and leaves. My heart beating faster the closer we got to our objective. It was in sight with Elisa in the corner of my eyes. She was focused, in a posture ready to perform a leap of faith.

With our objective approaching, we both leaped off the roof. My reaction to the fall was to flail my limbs in desperation. Elisa was falling similar to a cannon ball.

In an instant, the falling ceased and we had been cushioned. Scratches covered us, but it could have been so much worse. Breathing had dwindled and I was able to recollect my thoughts. Hearing the rustle of the leaves, I peered over to see Elisa sliding off and was patting her torn dress.

Her sights were fixed onto me. She walked over, giving me a hand, pulling me off the pile. The feel of solid steady ground was a relief to have in my steps.

"Where are we?" I asked, stretching my legs and back.

Elisa replied, pointing at the road behind her. "We're in Hempton Thrash. And we got to go this way to meet up with one of my team members."

It was reassuring to me to have Elisa at least know where we're heading. But a thought had accrued while stretching.

"Wait, the next stop is about two towns away, does that mean...?"

It was what I had suspect. That cheeky grin as she answered, "Jumping off a train was part of my plan? No, but it's better than finding another ride."

My head shook in disbelief, witnessing Elisa taking the road down farther into Hempton Thrash. Tagging along aside her, the town appeared different. It was not compact like the inner city. The buildings were still spaced out yet not too far away.

We kept going till a large building was directly ahead. The large sign above the door read, 'Goblin Ring' which left me curious to what it could mean. Elisa marched ahead, telling me to follow. Inside was a crowd of people just around socializing. Few didn't pay attention while others were staring. No words were spreading about us, yet people were talking about names I never heard of.

Elisa approached the countertop. She was asking about a guy named 'Ur'nairu'. Now this name wasn't familiar to me. Typical names wouldn't use pronunciations like that.

To know someone is named differently could mean that he is someone more experienced than Elisa? Or could be a seasoned adventurer who's been everywhere.

My mind flooded with possibilities while Elisa leads the way. We had to squeeze pass as the place felt like packed sardine. A sign that read 'back room' was beside a door which we were advancing towards. Upon opening and entering, I observed a lot of muscular body builders. They all were fit and strong, like they could rip me into two if they could.

My gaze shifted to each one wondering who this person could be. A strong guy who must have fought so many battles, so many stories to tell, and so many things to show. I pointed to each, asking if this was the person. Yet Elisa rejected everyone I asked.

It was till we arrived in the very back. She finally answered my question, stating, "this is the guy."

In front of me were two guys, chatting. Eliza waved her hand in the air, grabbing the attention of something just pass the two men. It was sitting down at first, shadows concealing it entirely. Dread had settled in me, grasping the handle of my sword. The silhouette of the person or thing struck me when it stood up. Taller than everyone here, muscular than everyone, and more frightening.

Its advances were so imposing, the two men in front both backed away. It revealed its colors in the light, a deep green with black cold eyes. Two fangs followed by foliage as hair flowing down it's back. Only one word I can say that describe the horrors I dare say.


I got in front of Elisa, arm in front to signal her to stay behind me. My glare fixed upward on the towering giant who as almost double the height of me. I can't stop my heart pounding with anxiety and terror. His presence was provoking enough to cause me to quiver.

He leaned down towards me, getting a closer look at me. The sight of him this close made my eyes twitch. His voice, cracked and hoarse, spoke, "Who's your friend you got there?"

His words shook me, to know another one of these monsters will take more from me. As I drew my sword, Elisa's hand rested on mine to stopping me from fully drawing. Bewildered, I witnessed Elisa in front, staring up at him. Both were locked in a heated stance, Elisa appearing like she's ready to brawl. I wanted to join, but my hand couldn't allow me to draw again.

The sight shocked me to see the monster advanced, not to attack, but to lift Elisa up and squeeze her tightly. To know this could kill someone was truly terrifying.

To even more horrid, Elisa wasn't in pain, but started to laugh. Both were laughing which left me completely puzzled. Weren't they in a heated battle?

All my fears twisted into anxiety as Elisa answered the monster's question from earlier. She told him I was an interesting stranger who she met up with. Letting Elisa go, he approached me, hand out towards me. "Ur'nairu," he told his name in his tongue.

I refuse to move my hand, staring at him directly. Returning the only favor I had for him and all his kind. "Baron Von Giggison."

Elisa continued on with the conversation, explaining the fairy tale to Ur'nairu. He pondered, finger to his chin and nods. The strange thing is this guy who seeks battles and kills people isn't aggressive. Stunned I was, I didn't fall for his tricks.

She asked, "So, have you won the championship yet?"

Championship I wondered. What would this guy be doing in the human territory in the first place? With all these guys without any armor let alone lacking in clothing, where are we anyway?

"I was going to regroup with you, but one more round just to get by another day wouldn't hurt."

Ur'nairu explained he spent the last two days here, wrestling and fighting. No killing was set in mind. Yet it was to be expected, we're going to stay to watch. She didn't have any plans for tonight and I was stuck here with her.

Sigh with discontent, I told them I would find us an inn to stay for the night. Not wanting to watch, it was clear to them the atmosphere was diluted. I headed out, fists clenched as all I can recall is what happened 80 years ago. To remember them encroaching us and William wounded. All those people who died long time ago.

What does Elisa see in Ur'nairu yet alone why she would have a monster travel with her was far beyond me. The moment the door to the outside opened, the sky had fallen into darkness and all I could see are stars. 

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