Chapter 1. Act 4: Rosaria

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I had prepared the clothing I had picked out. Since it's an expedition to the ruins, I might as well be ready for the worse. Instead of my usual dress for the public, I chose to have a more tighter fitting clothing. Fashionable style with long sleeves and a mini skirt. My chest was tightening from the waist down, almost like a corset. Long pants to cover my skin from the harsh elements or to prevent any blemishes. It shouldn't hinder my movement nor cause any issue. It is still stylish enough for an aristocrat, even though it's not something I normally wear.

As for my soon to be husband, he's equipped like he's ready for adventuring. As much as I don't enjoy the thought of him doing such ridiculous stuff, I can't help but admire his tenacity. If only he would focus more on his role as to be next in line of the throne.

Upon finishing my dress wear, my thoughts turned towards Baron. The staff should have woken him up by now yet all I heard was silence. I waltz over out of my room and to his room. No sounds have been heard from his room. Worried, I knocked quietly and then called his name.

No response.

I knocked again, calling his name again louder. Still no response. My worries peaked. If something bad were to happened, then everything would be in jeopardy. Quickly with panic, I twisted the door knob to shove the door open. Not budging as it was locked. With everything that could go wrong, my instincts peaked and I kicked the door down.

To my shock and horror, I spot Baron, laying on the bed, his outfit still on. Fearing the worse, I scurried over to his side, to feel his cheeks, still warm. Resting my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat. To my greatest relief, he still alive and well.

It was now I realized how much I over reacted and felt my cheeks flushed with an intense heat. Quickly returning to the proper manner of how I was before and softly smacked the prince's cheek, telling him to wake up.

He started shuddering and his eye lids twitching. Staring at his peaceful resting face, I pondered why he was still in deep slumber. To add to the mystery, he was still wearing his adventuring get up.

Was he attacked? Did someone come into his room last night? Or, did he snuck out without anyone noticing. My breath vented through my red glossed up lips and felt pity. I've seen him wanting to seek adventuring, even when we were little, he was so engrossed in his stories.

The dark truth is that I want to support him, I too want to be free from the shackles of rules and restrictions. Unfortunately, the knight in shining armor I too have dreamed of never came and we're too old to have our dreams come too. We have to face reality of what is now, which is the destiny we're born into.

I repeated his name and tapped his cheek to make him wake up. His eyes open and drifted around the room. Our eyes soon locked and he rises up to greet me face to face. He appeared surprised, perhaps it's to me being in his room or me greeting him this early.

"It's sunrise. The carriage is ready for us to pick up your brother."

His posture was weary as if he had stayed up all night and quietly gets up, not even batting an eye on me. I never wanted to be strict on him but how can I get it into his head that he has to move on. The idea of a prince becoming an adventurer isn't something he can do both.

If... no, when he does make his choice, I wonder if I would still be there, holding his hands. Sadly, I have already given up on my dreams and chose this life where I am because I have to. As daughter of the Radcliff Clan, it is my role to play as the head master once I am married.

Upon following Baron, I can see him happier. He's shining brighter than before we arrived to the inn. Something must have happened last night, but what could it be.

When we got into the carriage, he sat down first in his spot where he can still witness the streets of the liveliness of the people around. Instead of choosing to sit across from him this time, I chose to sit next to him. This caught his attention as we were closer, maybe closer than he would like. It would make sense given the fact this is the last year till our arranged marriage.

We resumed our ride towards the outskirt of the kingdom. Leaving behind the uncultured citizens and headed beyond to where the peasants live. A scattering of housing that was unmaintained surrounded by large plots of land. Far away from each other, making me question how anyone could live to be so distanced from anyone.

My eyes shifted towards the young prince to take notice of his 'excitement' towards this part. To my surprise, he has drifted into a deep slumber. His innocent smile shifted to a pure peaceful bliss. He looked so serene with his outfit. It brings me back to times when we would read the stories and act out together.

It must have been a long day with so much has happened. My head leaned sideways and rested on his shoulder. I can't help but feel at ease knowing for only this moment in our life, I don't have to worry about the strict noble rules. I can feel at peace with him.

My hand enveloped with his and felt the warm embrace. I can't tell if he has deep feelings for me. Nor can I tell if he's even happy with the fact our fathers made the choices for us. However, I do feel happy it's with him.

The carriage stopped when we arrived at a supplies shop in a small remote village Just beyond the outskirt. My hand still clenching gently with his, yet I will have to let go to wake him up. Surveying our surroundings, I saw the younger brother Duke Harris von Giggison talking with a few of our escort guards.

I never really noticed his younger brother as often. Usually, he's kept to himself more times than I can recall. His statue is that of arrogance and brash. Still, he decided to join us on this expedition with his older brother.

Leaning off his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. His eyes gently open to glace around him.

"Are we here?" he asks rubbing his eyes.

I replied with, "no, but we arrived to pick up your brother."

His eyes shifted to the window to witness his brother, getting on his horse. He seems... uninterested towards him, as if they don't acknowledge each other at all. To my remembrance, I don't think I've seen them together when I showed up. I boldly ask, "about Harris..."

Baron faced towards me, and then he grinned at me. His expression felt refreshing similar to when we left the nobility. I can't tell if he was excited because of me.

"We're almost there," he answered and my expression dwindled to annoyance. All he cared about was the trip. I turned away from him and looked out the other window.

"But, I'm glad you're here. It's everything I wanted."

My eyes darted towards him, viewing him from the corner of my eyes. My heart fluttered with my head in the clouds. Wondering to the end of the world on what he meant by that. 

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