Chapter 4. Act 1: A New Day with Surprises

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The paramedics had dragged Ur'nairu out of the ring and into the infirmary. Beds lined the walls and each were occupied by fighters and their supporters. Most of the supporters appear to be close friends or relatives.

It felt out of place to be the only one next to someone who isn't human, yet alone a creature of violent and anger. Elisa sat beside him the entire time waiting for him to wake up. Her arms were crossed and seems to agitated.

We've waited for what felt like hours till his eyes finally revealed themselves. His eyes were black, only showing the faintest of light reflecting. Elisa still firm in her stance while I was at a distance. My hand resting on my hilt, awaiting for any moment to strike.

Rising up from his bed, his eyes observing his surroundings, then were intercepted by Elisa. Ur'nairu rested his hand over his forehead, exhausted and puzzled. His attention was grasped by Elisa when she asked him,

Elisa approached him closer, demanding, "what happened out there?"

He rise up, appearing fatigued, his leaves disheveled, and his demeanor calm. He answered her, a different tone from what he was before, unsure of what happened.

He was calm, acting out to entice the crowd. He claimed there was no real instinct to kill. Till then he explained, something was calling to him. A call to battle, a voice to kill. A rageful bloodlust with only one objective, glory in seeking a worthy adversary.

Just hearing those words come out of his mouth made my blood boil. To know something like that can happen any moment. I clenched the handle of my sword tighter, wanting to put this beast down for good.

Elisa responded with, "it's getting worse, we can't let it keep going."

My thoughts flooded with horror. Knowing this isn't going to stop filled me with a desire to end this completely. But with Elisa there, I don't know if I can do anything.

It hurts me to know that she would protect this thing with her life. Being friends is one thing, but to help wasn't something I wanted.

What baffled me the most was Ur'nairu following up with her statement. He himself doesn't know how to stop it let alone quell it. But he claims someone else knows. Elisa even confirms with as they both had agreed. We need to regroup with someone named Corvo.

Shocked with enthusiasm to know there's another member with Elisa. After what has happened today, I wouldn't expect if this other person was not human, nor Enkindler. I would be mortified if it was another Karak. Questions and curiosity circled my head with what to believe.

Elisa walked over to me. She beckoned me and I joined her on the way out of the infirmary. The entire building, loud and chaotic, now was empty with trash strewed about. It was definitely a welcoming change, even if it had ended in a bloody mess.

When we exited through the door, her steps halted.

"He's a good guy."

Agitated with her words, I resented with, "He almost killed someone, I wouldn't-."

Elisa wasn't having it, as she responded, "I don't appreciate how you act towards him."

I paused, stunned to listen to her. Her words were cold. She faced me, her finger pressed against my chest. Leaning forward with what looks like a mother scolding a child.

"He is a good person, and I don't know what happened between with you and him. But that has to stay in the past, got it?"

Surprise has taken hold of me. I couldn't move nor even counter her argument. She was firm and serious about this whole situation. She had released me, backing off and replying, "if you can't deal with that, then you can go alone."

First time having someone speak down to me like that was unexpected. I didn't know how to react as Elisa walked off, back facing against me. Her walking away from me gave me the fear being left alone. To know I would have to come to terms with the monster. The feeling of doubt washed over me towards if I can live up to what she meant.

I couldn't accept either one. I never want to experience being alone again. Especially since I really have no one left. I clenched fists and felt angry. My thoughts becoming homogenous, what was and was not became a blur to me.

The night had gone by like birds flying over. I was told to wait at what looked like a tavern. Dumbfounded to why at a tavern but knowing her, who knows what she has planned. Elisa would soon arrive and she had a completely different outfit. Gone was the torn-up dress and now had something sturdier and more abrasive.

She fitted a dark brown clothing with tight deep navy-blue straps running along her legs. Dark brown Leather boots that appeared comfortable along with belts to hold up multiple bags. Her torso was fully covered and sleeveless to reveal her reddish glowing arms. A short poncho cape following the same blue, probably for warmth, and along with fingerless gloves.

Elisa appeared completely different from what she wore before. It was like night and day.

Suddenly, I heard someone call out, "hey!"

Glancing around for the voice to see Ur'nairu was walking out over towards us. He wore an unbuttoned tan shirt with brown pants. He didn't wear closed shoes, but still had some handmade sandals. He had a satchel on with a bag that's filled to the brim.

Compared to what I saw in the first place, that monster who presented himself to me. The intimidating statue and the fearful look were nothing but a simple looking commoner. Or, to what I should say, looks normal.

I stared at him, lost on what to say. No words spoke through my lips, not even single muscle. Elisa waved energetic, ensuring he didn't miss us. He approached us, his eyes on me. I didn't observe any hostility, yet still hesitant to follow.

Elisa took the lead, and we started making out way. Ur'nairu informed us that Corvo was farther into the city. Deeper into the heart, the kingdom of what was Lucidia, now converted into now called Usurper of Humanity.

He explained that getting farther inside is impossible and how we should just wait. I couldn't stand the idea of spending more restless nights outside of my own home.

Protesting the idea to the point of pestering. I encourage Ur'nairu to rethink his plan. I needed to get inside the inner wall of the kingdom. To my surprise, Ur'nairu was willing to hear me out. He then explained to me, "to get inside we would need to either pay our way in, or have nobility status." As I recalled, being a prince is the highest status of nobility.

Yet when I tried to voice my title, Elisa cut me off with, "That was 80 years ago Baron. Times have changed."

The words of reality cut me down like hot steel.

"If I were to explain to them-,"

Elisa halted, she twisted towards me. With just her posture alone, I knew she was going to drop some more horrifying truths.

The kingdom of Lucidia isn't the friendliest place anymore. Gone the days of welcoming all who wanted to visit and stay. Now it's a nation of status and control with harsh punishment to all who goes opposing the king. To my shock, the one who managed to now control every human kingdom. The one who annexed all to form the new human territory.

King Harris was now Emperor, or in Elisa's words, A dictator.

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