Episode 5

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Scarlet Gold: Welcome back to Untucked! In this show our coaches interact with each other outside of the challenges and get closer to each other, or the total opposite. This season Untucked will be hosted in the Untucked Lounge. If you're not reading Untucked, you're only getting half of the story.

Claire Obscure, Skadi, and Pele enter the untucked lounge.

Pele: Ska? Could we talk for a bit?

Skadi ignores her and sits in a corner.

Claire: Well I guess that's your answer hahaha.

Pele: How are you so happy? You basically were the only one with negative critiques...

Claire: I'm safe, am I not? When it comes to the game, I am in a good spot. This week was difficult because I was still rightfully upset about my robbery last week.

Pele: Robbery? I won deservingly girl.

Claire: Perhaps, but I deserved a top spot, don't lie about that, boo.

Pele: I do agree with that yeah. I wonder what's wrong with Skadi though...

Claire: She's probably intimidated by you and focussing on the competition.

Pele: But we would not let that get in between us...

Claire: Not every promise can be kept. I would stay aware, because she might make plans to take out the frontrunner, which is.... oh yes, you.

Pele: You really think she would do that?

Claire: I am sure she would play as ruthless as necessary, wouldn't we all? I know I would.

Arleen, Harlem, Cyn-D, Jewelry Robin, Katy Play, and Maybel enter the untucked lounge. The girls join Skadi, while Arleen and Harlem join Claire and Pele.

Arleen: Finally! I got critiqued!

Claire: How was it? Did you win?

Arleen: They're doing a top two, because of the double elimination last week.... so once again no one goes, ugh...

Harlem: I deserved one of those top two spots! I guess Scarlet just wants to give me a break from lipsyncing...

Pele: So Harlem's not top two, Are you Arleen?

Arleen: Nope... Maybel and Jewelry, I can already hear the damn giggling.

Claire: I mean they did well, right?

Arleen: Scarlet must think so... Anyways, how're things here?

Pele: Skadi won't talk to me..... Claire thinks that she might plan on taking me down...

Harlem: Gurl.... this is not the drama I wanna get involved in. But for the record, we all are. You're the frontrunner, girl...

Harlem walks off to join the others.

Pele: But she's my friend...

Arleen: Friends can stab you in the back, you need to keep your eyes open.

Claire: I do think Arleen is right, yes.

Pele: I need some fresh air. Thank you for the advice though.

Pele steps outside for some alone time.

Arleen: Ooooh, Claire you're good!

Claire: Thank you haha, good at what though...

Arleen: Playing them out against each other. Pele and Skadi are some of our strongest competitors, if we can get them distracted by arguing they will send each other home.

Claire: That's quite brilliant! But we mustn't tell anyone about this if we want it to succeed.

Arleen: Exactly. This is our little secret plan that will get us to the end. Hahahaha.

Meanwhile the others are discussing the win.

Cyn-D: Maybel! Jewelry! Condragulations!!! I am so proud of you!

Maybel: Aww thanks Cyn! I Honestly am so happy to have this time in the spotlight.

Jewelry: I cannot believe it honestly. Two wins in five episodes... Am I becoming a frontrunner?

Katy: Absolutely! You and Pele are at the top of the pack!

Skadi: Yeah... You and Pele...

Cyn-D: Keep your head up Di, you'll get up there too. Or are you still upset about Pele?

Skadi: I tried to ignore her earlier... It hurt.

Katy: But it will help. Patty and I made up too, though I cannot help but feel that the argument from last week threw off her focus and sent her packing... So don't try to argue with Pele, just leave it be.

Cyn-D: I don't know if I entirely agree with that sentiment... But Katy you should absolutely not feel guilty about last week.

Katy: I try to, but I feel so bad for her...

Cyn-D: It was not your fault though. Besides you made up with her, you're good, so don't try to make more issues for yourself than necessary.

Katy: Thanks Cyn, I needed a little pep-talk.

Everyone returns to the stage to watch the top two lipsync between Maybel and Jewelry Robin, to Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber Ft. Nicki Minaj

Maybel, condragulations, you are the winner of this lipsync. Jewelry Robin, good job this week, you are safe to slay another day.

Maybel and Jewelry walk off-stage after their lipsync.

Jewelry: Congratulations, May!

Maybel: Condragulations to the both of us girl. We ate that lipsync up!

Jewelry: We sure did! Let's hope the next time we lipsync against each other, it's for the crown.

Maybel: You got a deal!

9 Coaches remain....

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