Episode 3

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Scarlet Gold: Welcome back to Untucked! In this show our coaches interact with each other outside of the challenges and get closer to each other, or the total opposite. This season Untucked will be hosted in the Untucked Lounge. If you're not reading Untucked, you're only getting half of the story.

Arleen, Claire Obscure, Katy Play, Maybel, and Skadi, enter the Untucked Lounge.

Maybel: We survived the first elimination!

Katy Play: Wooohoo! No first outs over here.

Arleen: Not as if I expected anything different. But I am craving some critiques now...

Maybel: Safe is better than being in the bottom though.

Arleen: I meant top critiques, honey. But thanks for your concern hahaha.

Claire: I honestly enjoyed this challenge much more than I expected, I'm obsessed with horror movies, so this was right up my alley.

Arleen: ME TOO! That's why I felt a bit sour hahaha.

Claire: Which one is your favorite?

Arleen: IT, that creepy clown is everything to me, he's kinda hot too hahaha. What about you?

Claire: Right now it's the Conjuring, but I love all of them.

Claire and Arleen move to another couch ot keep chit-chatting about horror movies.

Maybel: Oh gosh, those horror movies are NOT my thing. I prefer romcoms hahaha. What about you, Katy?

Katy: Westerns for sure haha. They're the most popular back home. What about you Skadi?

Skadi: I don't really watch a lot of movies to be honest...

Maybel: That's okay, to each their own right?

Skadi: Exactly hahaha.

Jewelry Robin, Cyn-D, Patty Tay-To and Pele enter the untucked lounge.

Pele: The top team has entered the building!

Maybel: Ooooh condragulations! Did you all win?

Cyn-D: Nope Jewelry won! But we're all in the top!

Maybel: Ah condragulations Jewelry!

Jewelry: Thank you! I can hardly believe it myself to be honest. I'm so honored to have won the first solo challenge. I felt so nervous last week, and this week I could kind of let go.

Maybel: I'm so glad to hear that!

Skadi and Pele sepparated from the group.

Skadi: Congratulations Pele!

Pele: Thank you, boo. Fire's on top once again.

Skadi: Again? Hahaha, I won the first lipsync, remember?

Pele: You did, but I've only been in the top so far haha, so who's on top?

Skadi: We're far from the end of the competition though... Also let's not let the competition get between us.

Pele: For sure! I know both of us wanted to be the first representatives of the Elementals, but now we're both, so all we can do is make sure that we both destroy the competition. And then I'll just take the crown.

Skadi: We'll see about that

Skadi laughs awkwardly and they continue chatting.

Meanwhile Katy approaches Patty.

Katy: Condragulations, Patty!

Patty: Thank you.

Katy: Could we maybe talk about the issues now?

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