Chapter 3

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Dakota makes her way to Franky's cell as soon as breakfast is over. She knocks on the door and it opens a few seconds later



"What do you want?" Kim asks with a sheet around her

"Doesn't matter. Get your clothes and get out" Dakota says and kim glares.

"I don't have to listen to yo—" she's cut off by Franky.

"Go on, Kim, I'll find you later" Franky says. Kim sighs and glares harder at Dakota but complies. Dakota moves out of the way so Kim can pass. She walks in with medical supplies in her hands.

"What's that for?" Franky asks

"Hm..are you gonna clothe yourself or keep the blanket?" Franky doesn't answer but holds the blanket up further, "fine. Lean against the wall and hold the blanket up."

Franky looks curious but does so. Dakota straddles Franky's waist and begins cleaning her wound.

"You should've waited to get this bandaged before having sex. It might get infected because of the sweat" Dakota states.

Franky raises an eyebrow, "who said we had sex, hm?"

Dakota looks at her for a moment before huffing and continues her work, "it smells like it."

Franky scrunches up her nose, "that's gross"

"How do you think I feel?" Dakota says and rolls her eyes

It's silent for a moment. Dakota tilts Franky's chin and puts a bandaid on the cut on her neck.

"Don't worry about Jacqueline anymore. I'll take care of it if she bothers you again." Dakota states.

"Why'd you kill that girl?" Franky asks suddenly, "She didn't deserve that."

"Yes she did. She hurt you and enjoyed doing it."

"How do you know that?"

"It was in her eyes. She looked ecstatic." Dakota says.

Franky snorts, "you can't tell what someone is feeling by their eyes, stupid"

"I can."

"Hm, then what am I feeling right now?"

"Regret." Dakota says, "guilt and sadness. You feel trapped in here and you want out. You're afraid that someone will find what you did to Mrs. Jackson." She makes eye contact and scans over Franky's face, "You're also irritated. That Kim chick annoys you and you feel lust for somebody else."

Franky stays silent as Dakota stands, "I'm sorry about your neck. I shouldn't have hurt you...I'll be in my cell when you need me, lovey" she says this last thing before leaving.


Dakota walks out and sees most of the girls in Block H around a table.

"Is it someone's birthday or something?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's Kaiyas!" Doreen exclaims.

"Really?" Dakota crouches next to Kaiya, "how old are you turning, love?"


She looks at Dor.

"3 or 5?" Dor asks but gets no response.

"Give me 2 seconds and I'll be back with a present, 'kay?" Dakota holds up two fingers and chuckles when Kaiya nods quickly. She walks into her room and grabs a teddy bear off her shelf. It used to be parkers but Dakota stole it a while back. She walks back out and hands the teddy to Kaiya, "here ya' go, love"

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