Chapter 5

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Dakota enters the room and headlines towards the table. She sits and leans back against her chair.

"I've got all that information you wanted. On Doyle?" Parker says. Dakota shakes her head before speaking

"I don't want to know anymore."

"What? Why?" Parker asks

She huffs, "because it's rude. She'll tell me about her when she wants to. It's inappropriate of me to pry in her personal past."

Parker shakes his head slightly, "you've gotten soft."

"I might have a...soft spot for her, but everyone else can fuck off"

"Awe, what about me?" He whines

"C'mon, you know how I feel about you. You're like a little brother." Dakota chuckles.

Parker stays quiet for a moment, "..are you going to stay in prison after you kill the target?"

She hums in response, "I'm really not sure."

"You think it's fun, right? Is it peaceful here? Nobody coming at you with a chance of killing you. You can have fun beating people without much of a consequence." Parker says, "You have a woman you love in here and I doubt you're going to leave her"

"I don't love her."

"I know you better than almost anyone, Nat. You love her. If you don't right now, it'll be soon." Parker states and Dakota grits her teeth, "just don't forget me." He says then walks out.

Dakota sits there for a moment, thinking over Parker's words. She whips her head around when she hears a thud. A little girl had collapsed. Her eyes widen and she stands as Ronnie cries and kneels next to her daughter. Guards begin shuffling prisoners back inside, Ms.Miles roughly grabs Dakota's arm and pulls her inside.


"Alright! Alright!" Dakota exclaims and rips her arm out. She rolls her eyes and huffs. She looks up when she sees a figure in the corner of her eye.

"What was that ruckus all about?" Franky asks, leaning against the door frame.

"It's was Ronnie. She used her daughter to snuggle drugs in. Couldn't get them out fast enough and kid collapsed."

Franky gapes in shock, "She used her bloody kid!?"

"Yep" she sighs, "I kill people for a living and even I wouldn't do that, Jesus" Dakota stands and links an arm into Franky's, "c'mon, imma go steal food from one of tye old lunchladys and you're coming with me"

"Oh, I am?" Franky raises and eyebrow as Dakota nods.

"Yep!" She wraps her arms around Franky's neck and pulls her face close, "or do you not want to, hm?"

Dakota giggles and smirks when Franky's face turns a bit red, "you sure your nickname shouldn't be Red instead?"

Franky shakes her head before smirking, "you have no idea what you'll be getting into if you continue doing this to me"

"I can handle it" she replies and pulls Franky by the arm into the kitchen, "hey!" She exclaims, gaining the attention of some of the kitchen staff, "where's the extra food?"

Most of the women shrugs causing Dakota to roll her eyes.

"Nevermind" she mutters and drags Franky around, looking for something.

Franky chuckles and stops Dakota by grabbing on her shoulders, "c'mon, love, it's right there" she points to the storage door.

"Oh." Dakota drags Franky inside and begins looking for food

Meet Up At Midnight | Orange Is The New Black x Wentworth Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat