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"What do you think the meeting will be about?"

I could careless, that's what I'm tempted to say. I could care quite little about what this meeting could be about, purely because my mind has been stuck on what occurred only four days ago. Only four days ago, very much feeling like it happen hours ago, when the last person on this green earth had casually revealed that not only did he know me, my character and of how much importance I was to the person he serves, but that there's a huge possibility — if I am to only go off on his words — that Micah will be Alpha, if he isn't already.

I shrug, glancing at Reid Patal, a worker within the company. "I am not sure. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out."

It's a Thursday afternoon, though we still have about three hours left before we knock off. Suddenly, our manager sent out an email saying she would like for us to have a meeting to address something important, so we all had to leave our work spaces and meet up in the board room, awaiting her presence and the supposed news.

First and foremost, I remember, when Micah had left, that I stood outside on my tiny balcony and cursed the moon whichever way I could because nothing, not the slightest bit of the reality I seem to now be living in, makes sense. She said nothing would be the same.

Ideally, the term nothing means not one thing, and followed by the words of 'would be the same', according to my understanding, simply means not a damn thing would be as it was before she changed it all. So, I really was hoping she'd step down from her throne in the sky and explain a few things to me, like how Julius of all of her wolf creation, would remember something as... heartbreaking as the reality of everything before it changed.

Or rather, before she claimed it would change. But surprise sur-frikking-prise, somebody remembers. Somebody remembers.

So I went to sleep every night, anxious and worried, confused and feeling disoriented at that hard, cold fact.

"Greetings, everyone." Dorah, our manager, walks in with one of the biggest smiles on her face. She stands right in the front, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder as she looks around, simultaneously so, to the chorus of greetings she receives. "I think this is all of us? I'm going to start just so we don't waste time. I called you here so I could inform you, as I've informed the other departments, that Saturday's event will be in the afternoon, as per the invite, and you are required to inform us whether you will be attending or not. However, it would be advised you do. It is fairly an important event, as some of you may have heard, and our company will be in partnership with a big IT and securities company. It's a big deal for us and vastly important we present our selves there. This, you may already know—"

The second thing, the Alpha. The Alpha? As far as I was concerned, damn near a year ago, the Alpha was no other than Abraham, Micah's father, and the future Alpha by default was Micah. How and why the hell, then, did Julius find the confidence to simply use the word casually when referring to Micah? Everybody (within that species) knew that the term had power to it, authority. Heck, even Matthew felt like Micah, at times, was abusing the idea of his future role by using the authority it had to, in lighter terms, control people.

So why would Julius call Micah, the Alpha? I could swear, at least once, I've heard him refer to him as the future Alpha, something that was still to happen. And everybody knew it would not happen until and unless Micah had his mate. Which, by force and by his unlawful desires, was me, and not everyone seemed happy about that.

What does it mean, then? Does he have a mate? Has his goddess given him a new mate? Is he Alpha or is he still future Alpha? Did he really agree to being Alpha? But doesn't that go against their practices? An Alpha with no mate.

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