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The next day emma told to Julia that this time their father came in her dream.julia asked for the matter in surprise. Emma said that their father told them to be careful and not to tell anyone about from where they are getting flowers. From that day they started to be little careful and they started to live a new life by selling those flowers to the people who are living in their colony named "apple blossom colony". In that same apple blossom colony there lived a lovely siblings who can do anything for each other. The elder brother named Luke and the younger sister named Lia who are also don't have parents. Luke and Julia are good friends who often talk to each other. Lia frequently used to buy their Jasmine flowers.

                                        It's been one year that emma and Julia started selling those flowers. one day when they reached Lia's house to sell flowers, Lia told to emma that Luke lost his job and they are in obscure condition. By hearing this emma was little worried and thought of saying it to Julia; on the other hand, Luke can't able to understand from where Julia and emma are bringing such fresh and large quantity of flowers in every season. Luke asked julia that from where they are bringing those flowers but Julia denied to answer and said "I can't tell you this" and started heading back to her house. Luke was surprised that Julia denied to answer and He took wrong decision to follow Julia and find the secret.

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