Chapter 22- DOLL KEEPER

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I stare at her face which is always bare, without any makeup. But she has her bangs now. I recognize her well, even with a single strand of hair but I should say I don't, because my doll recognizes steps easily.

"What should I do doll? Should I free them all or kill them? They made you play the song which was supposed to be only ours. How dare they"

I got no reply.

"I am always around you doll, always but you don't notice me"

No reply again

"Don't worry doll, I will kill her, I will kill her for offending you, she came into your life only to be killed not to be freed. To be killed, but you call her doll, Should I free her or kill her?"

"Okay, I will let you decide that"

What should I do now? My doll wants no one dead, and I can't mould others into doll. She came here to Brighton Island and I have to come here aswell, I used other method though. I am always around her. These fuckers have locked her in by putting sleeping pills in her drink. And she slept, I lay down beside my doll and pull her to me like I used to do before. She scrunched up her nose and then smiled. She smiled and held me closer.
I caress her hair and slowly kiss her cheek, her hair, her adorable nose and then I lightly place my lips on her. She didn't move. When my doll had an orgasm that day, I had one too. Near that pond. She kept her eyes locked on to me. My doll follows fucking Astor and I follow her.

I click our pictures, lot many, because she doesn't like clicking pictures alot. I look at her room, the doll collections that we made.

I remember her throwing one of her dolls angrily, she threw them by pulling some hair apart, writing Bye on forehead, making cuts on her forehead, hands, legs and body. Ariella is a talented one. Out of all the people I freed, Ariella will be the only one I will keep, she did that after that defective one got freed and since then I only free dolls like she freed one.

I will make it up to my master, both by making her mine, keeping her with me and doing the exact same thing my master used to do to me. I hated my master before. Very much but then I started loving the way I got treated. Abuse, hate, love, touching everything.

My master used to lock me up but I was a rebellious one, so I did much more to get freed and got hits, forcefully touched and I started liking the touch. I act like I didn't because thats when my master would forcefully do things with me and I would love it more than anything.

I look at Ariella and place her one hand on my face. Her touch is enough for getting a pleasure burst to me.

"Want to touch me doll?"
I asked and she didn't reply so I will take that as yes.

I cup my cheeks by holding her hands. Usually my doll wakes up easily but right now she is in deep sleep.

I moaned as her hand trailed my neck.

She moved a little with a whine and I stop pulling her to me hiding her in my embrace.

I have nothing to do now, I couldn't please my master before, but the least I could do is make my master feel contended, happy, I was happy with the life I had, with my dolls, with everything then my defective doll came. But she was just so ordinary like other dolls, even at some point I made, Annie my doll and someday she will be free too. I was searching and trying to find out why my master liked Dolls with blue eyes, blonde hair, and I found it too, Silver Queens, Ava Nash, Elsa King they all have blue eyes, blonde hair. They are truly the heaven on earth. But my eyes stopped at a certain girl, for the first ever time I felt the thrill, the happiness the curiosity as I noticed someone looking like Gav, my master, who ruined my life and gave me a new reason to live with.
She was there with her parents eating her icecream ever so adorably, thats when I first saw her. When I was getting the defective one back from the park, she used to go there to play alot. She was so pathetic that she never had friends, I purposely made the information leak that she was a defective one so thats she could get bullied and say nothing to anyone.

But she befriended my doll whom I was trying to ignore, so much. Sometimes she reminded me of Gav, but then again I loved Gav as much as I hated.
But I tried ignoring her, I already had my doll, but she herself introduced me to her, I used to make her many things to eat, when others were away my doll used to play with me. I even sent her things to eat again, and she did. On that day of her university she ate what I made for her, and even lets me touch her hair, unlike others, my doll is the reason for me to live, new reason, Only reason. But others are taking my doll away from me. I have to do something for that, even if my doll will feel bad about it, I will certainly do something and push all those people away. I ruined Remington Astor's life aswell, why? Because my doll wanted him, not me. Not me but him.

She snuggled into me sniffed and said
And my hold on her tightened. Sof!!

"Its me doll, your keeper"
She didn't reply anything, she is asleep, deeply. I should take her now. With me....!! My doll herself will free the people.

"I am taking you my doll"
I put the letter and a doll for her, a new one. And lift her up, she is thin, petite, and weighs less.

I see her opening her eyes and a smile took over my lips, she smiled a little too.

I place her down on her feet and she blinked her eyes fastly looking around and then at me

"I missed you doll"
She then widened her eyes
"What are you doing here, you, you, y-"
"Shh doll its me"
She stopped her sentence and her smile left her face, I caress her cheek and she moved back a little gasping

"You are here? Instead of there, how come you are here-"
but I do something that my master used to do before, to lure others.

Mind controlling

"Lets go doll"
She didn't do anything as I took her away.
She stood still following all my instructions.

"Remove your clothes my beautiful doll"
She stripped and I helped her take her clothes off.

She is perfect with every inch of her body. I caress her cheek then dress her up in a white frock, I open her hair and she stood still waiting for my orders.

"Stab her doll and peel the skin, like you did to the doll you threw"
I take the video of all her doings. My doll is my masterpiece. But I can't take her now. I am happy with just looking at her. I want my doll to let me keep her.

Which she will, because she loves me, misses me.

I look at the juice, oh sorry blood on her hands.
I didn't wipe them, I am done being invisible now. My doll should crave for me, my real self, she will search for me.

"Go doll, go back we will meet again"
She didn't say anything, no reaction, empty eyes. Utter empty eyes.

I didn't change her dress, I want her to know that I am always near her.

I kiss my doll and she stood still letting me do anything.

"Go straightly in your room and sleep doll"
She entered her room and got back to sleep.

I leave, because for now, I just do this to keep her, she is drugged now. She will probably forget everything. Everything.

My doll might have photographic memory but she forgets the things that she doesn't want to remember, or more likely she gets so immersed in her guilt that she never remembers what she has done to people near her when she is not in her senes.

And I am sure she won't remember this either

"Don't ever let others be with you doll, you are mine to keep, to own, to touch, to hold, to please"

"I will come back again doll, to help you free, or kill your new doll, the only doll you are supposed to have is the defective one"

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu