56 Bondita rocked, Satish family shocked and Prashant gave a twist

Start from the beginning

By now Bondita finished her job and waiting for reaction but still leaning on him and kept her leg like that only so that no one will disturb her . She is telling him that he will be fine.. don't worry .

It started showing reaction slowly and she also took out her leg from wall and moving away .

Here  Grandma didn't stop and she hissed angrily on Satish: she is not your blood related sister and forcely Stormed towards Bondita by jumping into conclusion super quickly  that she was doing something harm to her husband and seeking her revenge for confronting them .

After Bondita applying sufficient quantity of desi ghee and waiting for reaction she was quickly dragged by Satish grandma and slapped with all her strength . Vasudeva tried to stop his mother but still she didn't stop and slapped her

Anirudh was busy in giving money to shop owner and sending him and his priest so he didn't notice this ..

There at a time ambulance people came with one duty doctor on Anirudh's insistence to senior doctor and satish went over to them who are struggling to get wheel chair among mob and in that narrow spaced lift . 

Everyone are astonished and became dumbfounded by grandma tight slap which echoed in the complex  . Anirudh got enraged and came running and blocked old lady view from Bondita and asked crazily: what the hell are you doing? You are an elder but that doesn't give any authority to raise your hand on youngsters . Atleast did you ask why was she doing this 

Bondita , even though she was hurt but still came forward and tried to explain what she did . But grandma is not in a condition to understand anything she didn't give a chance to let Bondita explain and bursted on Bondita  that you are literally killing my husband..chi you shameless girl ..I know why you did this because we all have caught you red handed na for your cheap behaviour with your bava .. that's why you are doing this

She angrily yelled by showing her nuptial chain that you are snatching my Mangal sutram from me and pointed to her husband and turned to him(narayana) and her words stuck in her throat and shocked to see her husband's condition

His face became normal and there were no paralysis symptoms on his face like earlier

When grandma also stopped yelling and stood like statue Everyone also turned to narayana and are shocked to see him being ok and became pin drop silence.

Duty doctor and ambulance driver immediately came and asked is he only the patient

Satish said : yes doctor

Duty doctor came forward  checked him and said : strange! I was instructed by my senior doctor that there is a paralysis patient  and urgent treatment is needed but here  There are no paralysis symptoms anymore in this patient.

Narayana HIMSELF too raised but somehow feeling weak told : I am fine . I thought that now I was going to be bed ridden forever but this girl had done something and saved my life and made me absolutely fine . I am  Able to walk and lift his hand too

Satish and vasudeva quickly came and held the old man

They all exchanged glances and then looked at Bondita asking how is it possible

Bondita then told wiping her tears : my kalindi attama is an ayurvedic doctor ..I saw her applying this desi cow ghee for a patient and it stopped his paralysis. Similarly I also applied it.

Desi cow ghee had many health benefits. It treats many diseases.

Looking at vasudeva she told: Unlike buffalo milk ghee this cow ghee won't have cholesterol and I didn't make him drink but poured it in his nose so that it gives immediate effect

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