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     Here we are again... the meeting room, and waiting for America to get here, because he's late. He's been either late or calling it really close recently. It's been the main reason why UN has wanted me to keep an eye on him in the first place. He used to be on time, sometimes early... at least that's what Папа said.

     Someone slams open the doors and ran in. America. Just as he sits down in his seat, next to me and Luxembourg, UN starts to give America a lecture.

     "United States," UN says sternly, "this is the last straw, I know that Russia's-"

"UN," America interrupts, "Can we talk about this later-"

     "No!" UN snaps at America, "We're talking about this now!" America sighs and looks away, letting UN continue her lecture.

"United States, Russia is staying with you, correct?" UN starts, "You being late is the last straw! The stay was planned to be a few days, but I think I'm going to make it a week!"

     Everyone, that's present in the meeting room, is silent. They didn't know that Russia is staying with America, and they're all wondering why they have to live together. A week is a long time, especially for two country humans who can't get along well.

     "Oh, and if you're late again, I'll extend it even more!" UN shouts, "Do. You. Under. Stand?"

America meekly nods and turns his attention to looking around the room. He's trying to avoid any and all awkward eye contact with everyone, isn't he?

     "Good. Now, let's get this meeting started," UN concludes her lecture, then she starts talking about different ways to get others to help the countries in eastern Africa, which have endured heavy rainfall, severe floods, and the threat of cyclones. Which honestly could be worse, but I can see why UN is trying to get us to help.


     Great... just great. I sleep in by accident, skip breakfast, and forget to bring something to fidget with! Then I get a lecture from UN, in front of everyone else. God... I already know my face is bright red. I can feel the heat rushing up to my face, and making my face tingle slightly, in embarrassment.

     I really can't do anything right, can I? Never mind, I have to focus on the meeting. What was UN talking about? Something about floods? Or was it east Africa? Wait- what's she talking about now?!

     Why can't I focus? I need to- I have to focus, I can't have Russia stay longer than he needs to. But why is UN even extending Russia's stay from a few days to a week?! This is the first time I've been late this month!

     Is she catching onto me? Does she know what's going on? What does she even know? Why is she being so unreasonable!? We could've talked about that after the meeting, away from everyone else, so no one would hear! It's not that hard either!

     "America?" I hear a voice say to my left, who's talking?

"Come on America-" Yeah, this voice is familiar, "- we need to go."

Hold up, is that- "America, god you're annoying, we're going to your house, remember?"


That's fucking Russia!

     I look at Russia and roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," I grumble, getting out of my seat, "C'mon, Russia."

     I walk out the meeting room, walking at a normal speed... well, apparently even Russia can't keep up with me. Which is surprising, he's tall, so he naturally walks pretty fast. I'm... short-ish... ISH. So, why do I walk faster than that fucking tree of a man!?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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