Chapter 35

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[POV: Andreanna Saunterre]

So this is what I am now?

This is what I've become?

A taxi? Uber? Chauffeur?

I gripped the leather-wrapped steering wheel of my car a little tighter as Lando cranked up the volume from the passenger seat.

I made the mistake of allowing him to control the AUX; somehow, he'd managed to convince me that his taste in music was 'superior' as he phrased it. Yet another lie I've been told this evening.

Back at the track - after he'd finished having a tantrum over me stealing his helmet - Lando suggested that allowing him to drive my Viper would make things 'fair' between us. I laughed in his face, as I usually did, and repeated the same phrase once again: "Lando, you can drive my car when you've won a race."

Then he had another tantrum.

When Oscar came to join our civil conversation, Lando practically jumped on him, bringing him into the argument head-first.

"Oscar, tell her she can't just steal my helmet and get away with it!" He said, standing next to Oscar and pointing straight at me, as if he was telling on me to a teacher in the playground.

Oscar brought his hand around to the back of his neck; a clear indication of discomfort. Before I could jump in to defend myself, he spoke.

"...He did ask you not to..." Oscar said reluctantly, avoiding my glare.

Is he seriously siding with Lando?

"Ha! See Andi!" Lando mocked, obviously just as shocked as I was that Oscar defended him, only with one difference: He was happy about it. I continued to stare at Oscar, waiting to see if he'd break and give in, but he never did.

Fine, I see how it is.

"Oscar, tell her that she needs to make it up to me."

Now he's pushing it.

Once again, Oscar fidgeted. Finally, he met my stare and watched as I shook my head at him: No, don't say that. This is ridiculous.

Just when I thought my point was resonating, he slowly smirked.

What the fuck? I batted my eyes, unsure of if I'd ever seen him do that before.

"Well..." he began, "why not have her drive you to that thing you were telling me about?"

Lando's face lit up. He gasped, "Yes! That's perfect."

"What 'thing'?" I cut him off, slightly panicked. I kept sifting my stare between the two boys, feeling extremely targeted all of a sudden.

"Just a thing. You'll love it! Come on." Lando paced towards me and stood behind me, placing his hands on my back as he began to push me forwards. Dazed, my legs moved as he pushed me.

I looked to Oscar for help; he hid his laugh behind his palm.

"Are you going?" I rushed out.

He shook his head.

"You're not going?"

He laughed behind his hand again.

I was quite literally being kidnapped, and he was just standing there? Laughing at me?!

The last thing I yelled before I lost sight of him was: "Traitor!!"

And so... here I am. Driving Lando, Max and Carlos to their 'thing' in my car against my will. It almost makes me want to admit that stealing Lando's helmet was wrong...

VIPER  ||  Oscar PiastriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora