Chapter 1

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[ POV: Andreanna Saunterre]

I may not have wanted to be where I was, but I must say, the appetizers were really hitting the spot.

I had arrived at the Bahrain International circuit less than an hour ago. It was already dark and I was itching to leave. If I had it my way, I wouldn't have come here at all. But, my father insisted that it would 'do me good', whatever that means.

I mean, does he really think another party is what I need after a summer full of them?

As I entered the main section of the function, I could feel the stares. People weren't exactly hiding the fact that they knew it was me, and neither were they hiding the fact that they knew what I'd done over the summer. Every set of eyes felt like they were scanning me; Waiting to see what I'd do.

And, as it happened, I didn't have to do anything. Instead, an arm wrapped around my neck and pulled me into whoever it was.

And I knew who it was.

"Look who it is! Long time no see, huh?!" He said, turning me to make sure I saw him even though I didn't need to; I could tell who it was by their voice.

"Hey Charles. Yeah, it's been a while." I said in a kind effort, pulling away from him and smiling, crossing my arms.

I knew he knew I was uncomfortable. The silence told me everything I needed to know. Then, he broke it, which told me even more.

"Uhm, so, your dad, he told me—"

I sighed, looking down. A thinned smile appeared on my lips, knowing what he was insinuating. "Don't worry about it. I'm here now, aren't I?"

I could see him read me, but not well enough.

"Yeah, you're right. No serious-talk! You're here to enjoy yourself, right? No more—"

As he was about to finish his sentence, his name was called from a distance. Immediately, he turned and smiled over at the individual. I knew he was about to leave, so I helped him.

"I've just spotted someone, so I'll catch up with you later, yeah?" I told him, lying.

"Okay! Sure." He said, believing me. Then, he rushed off towards the girl who'd called his name. I knew who she was, I'd met her before, just before the summer started.

Wanting to remove myself from the crowds, I headed over to the bar area, ordering my usual drink once I'd found an empty spot. As I waited for my order, I looked to my right after hearing a familiar voice. I smiled to myself, feeling a little relieved before making my way over to him. I took a sip of my drink, preparing to greet the boy. But, before I could get there, I heard him say—

"I heard someone say the Viper was here. I dunno, though. Seems pretty unlikely." He said, making me stop in my tracks. I scoffed, knowing that Lando Norris knew too well that I hated being called that, especially by my friends. Before I could interrupt, he continued: "After the summer she's had, I'd be surprised if she shows her face around here at all."

I knew what he meant, but I also knew that Lando was the biggest gossip out of anyone in the room. I also knew that he didn't mean for his words to shine in a negative light, even if they sounded like they were making a dig at me. Everything he said was true, anyway. So I had no reason to think he judged me for it.

...I hope so, anyway.

"Viper?" His friend asked, catching my attention. I didn't recognize his voice. I only knew one Aussie, and this was definitely not him. I placed my glass down on the counter in front of me, still holding onto it and listening carefully.

VIPER  ||  Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now