Chapter 16

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[POV: Narrator]

When Oscar told, nay, warned Lando and Carlos to behave themselves while he went to find his car keys, he most certainly wouldn't have expected behaviour this bad.

To start at the beginning of this sequence of events, Lando and Carlos began bugging Oscar about what car he should drive to the party:

"No offence Piastri, but fuck no." Carlos said firmly after Oscar suggested they walk instead.

The both of them then turned their heads to Lando, who had his head in his hands on Oscar's dining table.

He mumbled, in pain, "I. can't. be seen. in a Honda Civic."

"But I'll have to find the keys for the other cars!" Oscar whined. "And I really don't want to have to find the keys for the other cars."

Lando merely looked up at him, eyes dark.

"...For christ's sake." Oscar looked up at the ceiling, contemplating his options. He sighed deeply, visibly uncomfortable. "I'll go find the keys."

Lando and Carlos immediately began high-fiving and hugging eachother as if they'd just won a World Championship, making Oscar roll his eyes at the ordeal. "Behave yourselves!" He said. "I mean it."

When neither of them responded to him, Oscar felt the need to make sure they understood him, since he'd become aware that the duo had a tendency to reek havoc wherever they went. "Hey!" He shouted in a raised voice, making the two children stop celebrating. "I mean it."

Both Lando and Carlos nodded, waiting until Oscar had left the room to resume their excitement.

"And wait by the door!" came a yell from afar, resulting in the two boys sprinting to the door as fast as they could. There they lingered, checking their hair in the glass that acted as a mirror due to the night's dark.

Then came a knock at the door.

The two boys paused, turned to look at each other, then peered at the door. Whoever was outside it knocked again.

"Who the hell..." Lando whispered, slowly reaching for the door handle while Carlos watched. Neither of them wanted to admit that they were scared shitless.

Lando then whipped the door open, facing his fear. His mouth fell open. Carlos peered over his shoulder, wanting to know who it was.

"Hey—" Said a high-pitched voice; a woman's voice.

Before she could get another breath in, Lando slammed the door in her face.

"Carlos." He said, still clutching the door handle. He then slowly turned to face Carlos as he spoke. "Why. The fuck. is she here?"

Carlos looked aimlessly at the shut door, slowly turning to face Lando when be began to remember what he'd done. He  raised a finger to his mouth and breathed out: "Ohhhh...right..."

"Why, in God's name, is Oscar's blind date at his front door?!" Lando whispered aggressively, to which Carlos put two hands out in front of him, trying to calm his friend down.

"I wish you'd stop calling her that!" He answered back, whispering in the same way Lando did. When Lando gave him that look, the look that Carlos knew meant 'no bullshit', he began to explain the situation. "Okay, listen— I invited her to the event and I didn't want her to go by herself!"

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