Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey, buddy," I whispered, my voice cracking as his warm tongue brushed against the tears on my cheeks. His presence was a balm to the sting of grief, and I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his fur. For a moment, in his silent understanding, I allowed myself the vulnerability I kept so fiercely guarded.

"Adonis, what am I going to do?" I asked the husky as if he held the answers. "Octavia is gone, and I feel like I'm flailing in the dark."

He simply nuzzled closer, a pillar of steadfast loyalty amidst the upheaval of my heart. In the quiet companionship of my four-legged confidant, I felt the first threadbare stitch of resilience weave itself back into my spirit.

"Princess" a voice called from behind me, pulling me from the comfort of Adonis's embrace. I turned to see General Galahad approaching, his form outlined by the dawn light spilling through the archways. The sight of him—so strong and unwavering—offered a different kind of comfort.

"General," I said, my voice now steady. "I didn't hear you arrive."

"Your connection with Adonis is a testament to your heart," he said softly, kneeling beside me and offering his hand for Adonis to sniff before giving a friendly scratch behind his ears. "And it is that heart which makes you more than capable of leading us."

"Even when I'm filled with doubts?" I questioned, meeting his gaze, searching for the conviction I so desperately needed reflecting on me.

"Especially then," he affirmed, his eyes never leaving mine. "It is not the absence of fear or doubt that defines our strength, Princess, but our ability to persevere despite them."

"Your faith in me..." I trailed off, the lump in my throat making it hard to finish.

"Is unshaken," he finished for me. "You've shown us all what true courage looks like. You've united realms, faced down enemies, and awakened powers that have slept for ages. You are as much Annalise as you are Lizzy Fallon—and both are leaders I would follow into the darkest of battles."

"Thank you, Galahad," I breathed out, feeling a surge of warmth that had little to do with the morning sun. "Your words...they mean more than you know."

"Then let them be the beacon that guides you through this storm," he said, standing and extending his hand to help me to my feet. "Together, we shall see this through—for Octavia, for the realms, and for the future we're fighting to ensure."

As I clasped his hand, feeling the calluses born of swordplay against my palm, I knew he was right. Doubt might shadow my steps, but it would not dictate my path. With Adonis at my side and Galahad's unwavering support, I would rise to meet the challenges ahead, my resolve fortified by their belief in me.

The air was heavy, saturated with a sorrow that seemed to seep into my very bones. I knelt there, the damp earth beneath me forgotten as the circle of faces closed in around me. My allies, each bearing the weight of our shared loss, their eyes mirroring the storm of emotions raging within me.

"Avan hasn't slept," whispered Sir Cedric, his usually jovial face drawn and somber. "He won't heed Galahad's call to train."

I turned to look at Galahad and spoke firmly, "I understand his hesitation. We just need to give him some time."

"Octavia would want us to keep fighting," Mara, the healer, said softly, her hand reaching out to squeeze mine. "We're here for you, Lizzy. For her. For all of us."

"Thank you," I managed, my voice breaking on the words. Their support was a lifeline, a promise that I wasn't alone, even when every part of me felt isolated in my grief.

"Your strength is our beacon," added Sir Tobias, his gaze locked onto mine with an intensity that burned through the fog of my despair. "Lead us, and we will follow."

My ReincarnationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin