'What you guys doing?',he asked clearing his throat,his Firebolt still on his shoulders.

Ron jumped. Hermione, a little shocked looked at Harry. She said,
'Oh! We are just listing the possible names who could come to the DADA club. And discussing a name for it! We would strike out the ones who wouldn't come?'

'How many are expected?', Harry asked sitting down.

'About 20, mate!', said Ron.

Harry nodded. Hermione soon walked out as Neville,Seamus and Dean came in.

time skip to meeting time.

People interested have arrived and are sitting in a circle surrounding Harry, looking at him curiously.

Hermione cleared her throat and spoke up, 'Hi everyone! Ya'll know the purpose for this meet up.'
A few students glanced at each other and nodded back.
Ginny who was sitting beside Michael smiled at Harry.
'We..well,We will hold some regular meetings for the practices and it would all be fun. And Harry will guide us through it.', Hermione concluded.

Zacharias Smith suddenly cried out from the crowd, 'All well and fine but why him? And we don't yet have the proof except Dumbledore's words that he didn't kill Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff gem.'

Ginny suddenly stood up. 'HE...',her fists were clenched tightly,'He didn't!',she said through gritted teeth.
She sat down.

Everyone turned towards her.

Harry murmured, 'Its ok Ginny. Calm down.'
He wasn't used to people standing up for him in Hogwarts.
Ginny opened her mouth.
'Ya'll ask what he did? You all are alive, I AM ALIVE', Ginny ,'because he was there at the right time at the right moment! In the first year, he saved the Philospher's Stone from You Know Who risking his own life again, you gits!

'In the second year, he saved Hogwarts from a whole Basilisk. He destroyed it single-handedly.', Ginny said and took a breath. Because of something, she was shaking with anger.

Neville said for her, 'In the third year you fought thousands of dementors at once. Didn't you Harry?'

Harry nodded his head subconsciously. He wasn't used to this. People were speaking for him. They did believe him. Not all people believed The Daily Prophet. A lot among these students believed him but wasn't sure of it.
He felt content and happy after many days.

Fred said as he laughed, 'We can say what he did last year! We saw it in our own eyes, the Triwizard Tournament, him fighting dragons when he was fourteen, in our own eyes,you know!'

'Well not him facing Merpeople and You know who!', Ginny said.

'Yes little sister. We didn't see that.',George nodded.

Zacharias interrupted again, 'This ain't leading anywhere! What's the proof? His heroism?'

Cho said,'Yes. I too believe in him.'
Ginny raised her eyebrows. Harry saw that Cho had smiled at him.

Luna said, 'You can produce a patronus?'

'Yes.', Harry spoke finally.

'Well then will you teach us how to conjure them? Dad says they are the lost part of our lives.',she said in her dreamy voice.

'See guys. Most of you don't know how it actually was. It wasn't like memorizing spells and putting them into practice. It was...it was like coming up with right idea at the right moment or else I wouldn't have been standing here.', Harry said.

'Oh Harry you're just being modest.',Ginny said fiercely.

'Yes, Harry is just trying to be modest-',Hermione was saying.

'No I ain't. It wasn't like school. I am not being modest. It was having external help all the time at the right moment! Do y'all get it?'

'Still Harry, You Know Who is out there somewhere and if you teach us, it would be a great help.', Hermione added.

'Yes..and to be equipped and knowleadgeable to fight him..',Ginny flinched,'V-Voldemort would be a great help,a great strength that he's not ready for. Ain't it Harry?', Ginny said a little softly.

Harry looked at her and she looked at him and then, Harry nodded.

Time passed pretty quickly as they discussed the meeting dates. The first meeting would be on next Wednesday.

Everyone had parted on their way back to the castle including Ron and Hermione who said they would go the library. Harry didn't want to go to the library. Harry went to his lone dormitory and called out, 'Dobby!'
'Sir!', Dobby squeaked.
'You said you would show me the Room of Requirement.'
'Yes sir. Now?'
Harry went out with Dobby, the Marauders Map on his pocket which didn't display such a room and him under his invisibility cloak.

As he reached the fifth floor he found-

'You are still not over Ravenclaw's lost and today you say this -', Ginny was saying.

'We shouldn't. You are interested in him. Admit it!'

'YES. We shouldn't!'
She stormed off.
Michael rolled his eyes and went away.

A monster roared in triumph inside Harry. They were not together anymore. But then he thought of Ginny...Ginny definitely must be sad. Wouldn't she?Of course.

'Harry Potter Sir?',Dobby said.

He had stopped picturing a moment with Ginny where they were quite alone in this corridor..alone in..
Dobby couldn't see him and now couldn't hear his footsteps.

He looked around and pulled off his cloak, 'Dobby wait for me in the seventh floor. I'm coming.'

Hinny In And After Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now