Part 1

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Waking up I instantly smelt smoke. Jumping out of bed, running towards the kitchen to see what happens I saw my little girl trying to make pancakes.
"Sorry mommy, I was just trying to make you some breakfast since it is your birthday!" She yelled getting excited. Smiling at her while noticing pancakes batter all over my kitchen, I proceed to pick her up.     "I think it's time for a bath don't you?" I said smiling at her in my arms. "Do i have to? I not even messy momma" Brooklyn said while trying to sip away the batter off her night shirt.
Brooklyn your gonna be late for school sweetie" Brooklyn scuffed and jumped down heading to my bathroom to take a shower.
"Happy birthday to me" I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes annoyed.
Washing the last dish with pancakes batter all over it I heard Brooklyn getting out of the shower.
"Brooklyn hurry up we need to leave!" I said yelling from the kitchen.
"I am coming!" Brooklyn yelled back with her little attitude.
"The car is leaving in 10 minutes so you better hurry up" I said to her while heading to my room to put on some clothes.  Grabbing my jean shorts and black tank top crop top I slipped on my converses and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I don't really wear makeup. It makes me feel like my face is dirty all of the time.
"Brooklyn don't forget your phone and gym clothes in the counter." I told her grabbing my keys off of the coffee table we headed out of the door.
Getting in the car we started to drive off. Buckling brooklyn in her seat I jumped in and drove towards her school.
Pulling up to the front doors of there school I helped them grab there bags and walked them to there teacher.
"Hey Kaylee how are you doing this fine morning? Mis Clark asked me talking the 2 kids hands. "Doing good mis Clark, y'all be good today ok? I love yall have fun!" I said back to mis Clark and the kids and waving good bye to them as they skipped into school.

——————— looking at my clock in my car it shows that it is 8:20 in the morning. I have to be in class at 9:30 so that gives me plenty of time to go home and get my stuff.
Walking into my house I ran into my room grabbing my Chromebook,Book bag, phone charger, and walked back out to my car.

Parking in and empty parking spot I grabbed my stuff and started to walk into my classroom. I am in college so it is really easy for me to get the kids ready in the morning and not be late. Picking my usual seat in the middle of the class kinda toward the left side, I sat down and put my chrome book in from of me. Grabbing my phone out of the back of my pocket I started scrolling thru Facebook till the teacher came in. "Class we will be having a new student come in today!"she said cheerfully. " he just moved in from a small town called Mountain View gotebo, treat him how you would like to be treated, anyways everyone meet Jarrett butler. Jarrett please pick a seat where ever you would like."she said smile and looking down at some papers he handed to her.
Looking back down at my phone not giving a damn who this person is I heard the seat next to me scratch the floor. " so English major?" He said with a grin on his face. "What makes you think that?" I said not looking up from an interesting video I found on Facebook.
" your reading after, just assumed" he said with still the same damn look on his face.
"After is the book we are reading in class dumbass" rolling my eyes and setting my phone down since the teacher started talking.
"Ok class we just finished the first after book! Kaylee what do you think?" The teacher called on me knowing I don't like public speaking. "I think harden needs to learn how to shut up really. If he would have just shut up then it wouldn't have ended that way" I said fumbling the pages of the book back and fourth.
Jarrett's hand raised instantly. Annoyed he spoke.
" I think that if Tessa would stop using her daddy issues as a privilege them maybe just maybe, she would have seen the bigger picture and realize that harden was never the problem she was." She said smiling at the teacher.
" if harden wouldn't have made the stupid bet in the first place Tessa would still have a good guy to spend the rest of her life with and her mom would still respect her." I commented right after him getting annoyed because I could already tell he was gonna be just another asshole like everyone else.
Hearing the bell go off I grabbed my bag and chrome book and walked right out of class.
"God I wish I never came to college" I wispered to myself while grabbing my keys to my car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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