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Jack POV

I just ended a meeting with The Golden Nuggets boss, damn that guy was hard....why did I follow the old mans advice, I can't keep up with all this manipulating and flirting my way up, but if it's only girls I'm fine cause they're easier, with the bonus too, but having to do it with some of the old guys,ughh I'm tired, thank goodness I never have to sleep with that guy, I owe Eliza and her stupid crush one, but damn the tension was strong, I'll head to that cafe down the street, the tension up there is killing me...

{Skip to the cafe}
Liam POV

A customer walked in, so I went to the counter since the others were busy with their orders.
"Hi, and what would u like to order?"
I asked the customers I'm facing for the countless of times I had asked.... Usually we'd have the same customers so I didn't have to ask them everytime they come 'cause they always order the same thing....But I've never met him before,
" I've never seen you around here-"
I wanted to ask, but I was cut off by his order
"Just an iced coffee"
" Anything else?"
"No, But can I know your name?"
"Okay it's $3.50... and I'm Liam"

Why did he ask my name? he trying to make up for the conversation he cutted me off? Some questions lingered I my head... I got back to realize he was staring at me the whole time I wandered away.

"Is there anything else si-"
"Actually can I get the coffee extra sweet, as sweet as you if possible"

What did he say??? Did he really said that, my eyes wandered away from his gaze to the door behind him, I saw a customer at the door.

"Sure" I said with the brightest smile on me

I served the next customer then went to make their orders, my body was working but my mind is far away,
Was he flirting with me?, no why would he, but as sweet as me is something u would use when u're flirting, is he gay? But I'm not, so how do I reject him? Should I put a note under his cofee? Right then my brain was stuck.
Wait how sweet is as sweet as me? How sweet am I? Am I supposed to know how I taste? I'll just make it as sweet as a human should take so he won't die... I guess I'll write a note for him then.

Jack POV
What the hell was that!? Did I just flirted with him? I mean he's pretty cute and I do think I'll enjoy my self with him more then those old guys but they're business and he's a guy, but they're guys to but I'm not gay or am I? Did I have my awakeni-
I was started by him,

"Here's ur order sir, I'm sorry but- I uh "

My hand slipped, it's touching his back
Ooh I want to touch it without his apron and clothes, wait what the fuck am I thinking
I got back to reality

"Sorry, but can I get your memb- uh number?"

Can I get his number, that was close,I almost asked for his member(his dc)

"I'm sorry sir bu-"
"My name's jack so please stop calling me sir."
"I'm sorry Jack, but I need to serve other customers"

Right, he has his job to do,

"But I wanna keep touching u"

Wait what the fuck, did I say that out loud, well I do always say it but, wha- why does it fell different

"I'm sorry but uhh I'll give u my number later since u seem to have lots of time to waste, but I have a job to do so let me finish my job first at least"

This was all I could say before he left, I drank the coffee and hell it was sweet, bit It taste good, I'm surprised, I haven't had coffee this good lately, I guess I'll be coming by more.

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