Chapter 4 Eight/?

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Lunch Time!!

Angel wait for Catnap to leave, he is looking for them but soon give up. Catnap slowly walk back to the front entrance of the cafeteria and left. Angel pop out and breath softly. "Geez...that was close. I almost gone be food for moment." Then a voice can be heard. "Yeah! Good thing you're going to be my lunch!" Angel turn around and got punch from the face. They were knockout and a big toy standing in front of them. "Hmm~ fresh human meat~ my favorite~" It's Picky pig. She had dried blood on her mouth. It seems as she've been eating some toys who were unfortunate enough to be eaten by her. "I'm ready to eat some nice lovely human meat~" Picky Pig soon pull Angel legs and went deeper into the kitchen itself. Meanwhile with the others, Poppy and Missy are in Nurse office of the school. She is looking for a battery since all the class been searched. Right now they need to check on the principal office after nurse office. "Ahhh...nothing is here." At this rate the battery might not be in the school at all. However something did caught her eye on the table of the nurse. "Huh?"

It's VHS that say "Mascot Treatment." Poppy soon pick it up then look at the TV. There is a small TV on the table. She soon place it inside the recorder and it show a tutorial. "Oh! This could be useful!" It say how to treat the mascots. In case if they have missing limbs or eyes. They have to bring a Poppy Gels. It will quickly bring some parts back to life however will have side effect. Such as time to recover, lazy muscles and bleeding. Nothing too threatening once recovered. She now understand weird red water fluids. It also explain how you fix the mascots so the children wouldn't be afraid of their disturbing appearance. "Great! Now we can help craftycorn with this." Poppy smile and look at Kissy Missy. "Sorry, Missy but can you go to the principal office? I'm sorry, you don't like to be alone. Don't worry I'll make sure to catch up with you!" Poppy say to Kissy Missy, she nod her head softly. She is use to being alone but something like this isn't great for her. This hellish place is her home but wish it wasn't. Kissy just want this place to be burn down to the ground.

She walk down the hallway of the school, looking around to find the principal office. Kissy didn't find it and went inside which she saw the battery on top of the table. However there is a skeleton holding the battery on top of it. Kissy walk toward it and simply try to remove the skeleton off the battery. Until a flashback start of a person begging missy not to kill him. "?!?!??!" Kissy soon back off and fell down. Due to the impact of her size, another Skeleton land on her shoulder. A vision of Kissy Missy rip worker in half. The blood of the human squirt everywhere on the floor and walls. She remember that day, that time, that year...where Kissy kill those evil employees. But at what cost, She kill those who torture her for so long but then again it didn't bring anything. All kissy could remember is the scream of those employees, some were even innocent that she didn't even know.

She panick so much while trying to get rid of the skeleton and then slowly crawl back to the corner feeling so terrifying. It feel like she is being blame by the ones who she killed. Kissy feels so afraid, she start to cry until Poppy show up. "Kissy!!!"  They both look at each other with fear on Kissy face. "What's wrong?!" Kissy Missy look at the skeleton. "Oh...I'm so deepest regret that I didn't stay with you...." Poppy walk up to Kissy and play her small hand to hers. Poppy smile at Kissy softly, giving her the comfortable feeling that she is not alone. "You're not alone, I hate being alone too, you and me have something in common. Right now I won't leave you alone. I'll be with you till the very end once we escape out of this factory." Kissy soon hug Poppy as she is crying. "It's okay...shhh it's okay..." Poppy hold Kissy softly as they cry together in the office felling the pain of suffering.

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