Chapter 1 2/2

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Find The Flower


s Angel open the door. They were prepare to face something behind the door but luckily it was just an empty hallway with pipes. "Ahhh...geez. Why am I freaking out for? I think I'm just seeing things....God I'm idiot." There is really nothing to worry about since it's probably the imagination. After all sometime mind mess you're vision to fear the unknown. So angel decided to walk down until they got spook by the sound of the pipe hissed. "AH SHIT....! Ugghh....geez...haha...that got me." A bit of a jump scare there but nothing to be worry about, so they continue walking down the dark hallway. They made it to the end of the hallway into the light. Angel os in a strange room with TV and a big steel door. "Where am I?" They question themselves and took the stairs. Once Angel reach the top. They saw a bunch of boxes, cabins, toy boxes and conveyor belt.

"Oh!  I'm in the wrong area. This is where they move the boxes. Damn...huh?" Angel saw a glass box on top of the self with light hitting it. Inside the glsss box is red hand. "The Red Hand! At least maybe coming here it's not so bad. I need to get it" Angel try a control panel by pressing a button. Yet nothing happens. "Of course. I need battery so I can move the claw." Angel look down where he's at. It's a long way down and they don't want to break their legs so soon. So they try out the steel door. Luckily there was a handle, they manage to pull it back with their grab pack and open it wide. Angel explore the area. However there was something else watching them. The sound of heavy breathing like something was...hungry.  The breathing turn into heavy growl. It's not a normal growl but an angry growl. Angel grab the three batteries  they found and quickly went back to the catwalk.

"That wasn't so bad." Angel soon put the battery on the control panel. Once they finish putting the battery down, Angel look the side of the wall where there was small doors. They saw a blue figure looking at them. It's Huggy Wuggy, It is looking at them with big smiley razor sharp tooth. Angel shake their head after seeing Huggy Wuggy. They got spook by it but once their eyes open to look at the same spot as Huggy Wuggy. He was gone. "What the...? Was that...? There's no way that was him...fuck...this place is making me see things." Angel say as they press the button. They saw the claw slowly going to the glass box. The giant claw grab it, return to the same spot then drop it. The box fall down to the floor and the glass shatter everywhere. Only the red hand remain there.

"There we go. If I don't find anyone here then I'm leaving." Angel sigh as they walk back downstairs. Once they retrieve the red hand, they attach it. Right now everything is going smoothly. Angel could go back to the main plaza but then again the door that they open is closed. It is automatically. Angel can't go back even if he want to. "Well can't go" Angel saw the small steel door that has a red scanner on top. They decided to put the red hand on the scanner to see if it work which it did.

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