
95 2 0

September 12th 2023


"Yeah! I'm coming just a sec" I yell to my brother I hurry and grab my car keys rushing out the door to start my journey to a new school, no a new LIFE

Okay so let's start from the beginning, hi my name is Devina Blair Whitlock and I'm from Rochester New York. I come from a foster system down there as my parents died when I was 8 and didn't have anything other close relatives alive, well besides my brother who was only 6 at the time

Me and my brother were in and out of foster care for most of our lives moving from group home to group home, foster family to foster family we eventually just feel in a rhythm.

In till Sergio Whitlock adopted us I was 14 and my brother was 12 when we were adopted.

From that day my life totally changed my dad, Sergio owns a law firm so he is totally loaded which don't get me wrong is nice but not everything it actually put me in the position I'm in today.

Actually the money isn't the problem it's the law part.

Let's go back to a month ago the start of my junior year of college and university of Columbia, I know what your think you only got in cause of the money but I'm actually pretty smart and most of the money used for college was from scholarships.

Anyway we're off track back to the start of the new school year my anatomy teacher Mr. Moore was giving me extra tutoring lesson after school it was normal at first but he began to get more touchy and it went on for a while in till he kissed me that when o broke and my dad found me locked in my room crying.

I told him what I could and from there he did what he does best and took it to court and Mr.Moore refused to admitted what he had been doing, and on top of all that after he was accused he still and the audacity to catch me after school and try to sexual assault me.

Thankfully I was able to hold him off for long enough before my brother found me.

It's no been about two weeks since that incident, and this is still in court so I decided what I thought was best to transfer to a new college

It being the one and only UCONN

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