Two Hearts, One Boy

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When the cherry blossoms fall to the ground...
And the scent of perfume fills the air...
The air sparkles with a new life and light...
As the gates of Whole Cake Academy open for the day...
The day they were rescued was the best day of the sister's lives.

After a long grueling day of pleasing the clientele of the orphanage, Hancock was at her wits end. She felt the pressure of the scummy eyes of every adult who walked through that door. The mark burned her back more than the actual event that occurred for her to receive. Sandersonia and Marigold were sitting on their beds when Hancock walked in and fell face-first onto her bed.

"Sister, you don't have to keep doing this for us." Sandersonia pleaded, going up to her side. "Every day and some nights, you have to entertain those older men and sleazy rich ones just to get some funds in the owner's pockets! How much longer do you have to suffer for all the children here?"

Hancock looked up at her sister with a weary smile. "I am the oldest, I have to do this to provide for you."

Marigold hugged her, tears running down her face. "Your body should not be used that way! Value yourself more Hancock, if not for us, then for yourself!"

No words were spoken between the trio as they all began to cry. Their lives were not perfect nor were they good. Nights like this were common between the three of them and most of the time they cried themselves to sleep. Hancock had to be strong for her sisters because that was the last promise to their parents. No matter what happened to her, as long as her sisters were safe, she was fine.

A loud sound shook the building, making them all pause. Shouts were heard down below as footsteps shook the shoddy hallways. The three of them backed away to the back wall since there were no windows in their room and only one door. The eldest of the sisters grabbed the knife she hid underneath her pillow and approached the door with caution. The door began to open slowly and made them all tense up.

Entering the room came a large man with slight pinkish skin, a thick dark beard, and a muscular build. He wore an open Hawaiian shirt, blue shorts, and sandals. A large sun tattoo was emblazoned on his chest. The girls stared up at him with shock on their faces as he looked down to see them.

"Those darn dragons locked these innocent girls in here?" He growled, turning around. "Get the rest of these kids out! We are burning this place down!"

"W-W-Who are you?" Hancock asked, her arms shaking as she aimed her knife at him. "Are you here to...use me?"

The man's face softened as he knelt in front of her. "I'm not here to do any horrible things to you miss. I am here to rescue a lot of you orphans from a life of slavery and debauchery."

"A-A-Are you serious?" Hancock whispered before lowering her arms down. "You're lying! We've heard these false promises before by men that were worse than you! All of them said that if I wanted to leave with them and leave this place is to follow them and never look back. I refused to leave without my sisters, and they got angry at me! What makes you so sure you are being honest?"

The man gave them a soft smile and patted her head. "I am being honest with you. You all have suffered so much here and didn't deserve all this abuse. If you trust me now, you will never have to come back here ever again."

The girls looked at each other before the two youngest gave their elder sister a nod. Hancock dropped the knife and began to bawl her eyes out. The strange man picked her up and guided her sisters to follow him. They saw all the other orphans being escorted by a group of adults who were giving them new clothes, a hot meal, and putting them in cars. Turns out the group was making sure every orphan had a home to go to with families that were approved by the government. The whole scene was surreal as the girls saw the owner of the orphanage that had tortured them for years be put in the back of a police car.

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