Filler Arc: Queens of Mean Pt.1

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"A finishing school? What kind of punishment is this?"

It was a few days after helping Robin out and defeating Baroque Works. After hearing that his own grandson and friends had taken out Crocodile, Garp made sure that he got a big clap on the back and slap on the wrist. Then a "Fist of Love" on the head for good measure. In order to keep him from doing crazy stunts like that again, he was forced to go to finishing school for a few weeks. This was why he stood outside the Levely Academy for High Society with a briefcase in his hand, wearing a red suit that matched his hat's ribbon, and a letter for the woman in charge. Currently he was chatting with said grandfather who made Shanks drop him off early in the morning.

"This is should make you become a better gentleman for when you enter the police force!" Garp said, cackling like a mad man. "I made sure that the woman in charge of the school admitted you with no fuss. You better treat this lady with respect or else I'll send you to the Impel Down Juvenile Hall! So pass with flying colors and Makino will pick you up later." With a click, he hung up and left Luffy to his own devices.

Luffy grit his teeth and took a deep breath before walking forward. He was going to do this again, be around females who will constantly judge him and treat him like dirt. He figured this would lead him into therapy later, but at least when he graduated high school he would live with his buds.

"Luffy, is that you?" Luffy turned around to see Vivi running near him. Her hair was down and tied with golden bands. She wore a long-sleeved pink dress, with gold accessories at the waist and arms, and a cape, red on the outside and dark blue on the inside. On her arms was a matching pink purse.

"Vivi, I didn't know that you went to this finishing school." Luffy rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Are you doing this on punishment too?"

Vivi rose an eyebrow. "No, I'm doing this because I will be leading the Alabasta company one day. This is how I network with the other ladies. I'm just surprised that you are in another mostly female school."

"AWW MAN!" Luffy held his head between his hands. "HOW DO I KEEP DOING THIS TO MYSELF!?"

Laughter was heard behind him as another familiar face appeared behind him. Standing behind him was Rebecca who wore a light-colored yellow dress with frills at the bottom, and matching ribbon which was tied at the top of her long braided light pink hair. A red purse was in her hands.

"Oh hey Rebecca! You made it just in time today." Vivi hugged her friend before gesturing towards Luffy. "You know Luffy right?"

"I've seen him around school. You are part of Camie's fashion club and Carrot's animal lovers team." Rebecca gave him a shake on the hand. "You have a strong grip!"

"Thanks! I train at the rec center after school!"

A loud bell rung to signal the start of the school day. Vivi turned towards Luffy with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Luffy, we'll have to cut this chat short. Rebecca and I have "Princess Training". Hope you get a good class here." The blue haired female gave a wave before leaving with Rebecca.

Luffy took a deep breath and stared at the large building. He hoped this was worth the Saturday morning.

"Ladies, did you hear the news, so? I couldn't possibly pass up the chance to tell!"

Levely Academy offered a few different routed to their training regiment. There was a male class called King's Korner for those males in high class families and inheriting big sums of wealth. Princess Training was for those who lived in the middle class and wanted to build business connections with others. The Queens Class was a course for those who wanted to get finer training in high society elegance. Only a fee get to be in the Empress Entourage, where you already have a clear path, high class training, and influential in the community.

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