Halloween Hijinks: Vegapunk VS. Vinsmoke

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When hinges creak in doorless chambers,

And strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls.

Whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still —

That is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight!


It was that time again for the residents of the town.

The Halloween season was upon them!

As the leaves turned their different colors, people were excited to spend time preparing for the holidays. Halloween was one such where everyone wanted to participate. Pumpkins were gutted and left outside with various facial expressions. Children and adults alike were in the stores to get their last pieces for their costumes. Candy bags were flying off the shelves to give out to hungry guests. All around town, everyone was getting ready to celebrate Halloween in style.

Everyone, except for Lilith Vegapunk.

You see dear readers, across town laid a section that was known for being the "science hub". That part of town held the most brilliant minds, amazing scientists, and other doctors that helped people. It was futuristic, new-age, and quite the spectacle for anyone visiting.

The heart of this part of town was the academia for those future scientists known as the Egghead Institute, founded by one Dr. Vegapunk. This school was dedicated to mathematics and science, pumping out dozens upon dozens of bright scholars. There were many tracks to take from medical science to cybersecurity. It was said that if you went to this school, you were guaranteed a full-ride scholarship to any university. This was the school where Law attended and where Marco the Phoenix graduated from.

Since he was funding the school, Vegapunk required that his children pass with flying colors and bring honor to the family name. In fact, from their birth inside test tubes, he had planned out their lives. From school activities, clubs, and even who they were allowed to hang out with, none of Vegapunk's kids had a life of their own. It was fine for them since it allowed for no distractions for their future endeavors.

That means no Halloween festivities whatsoever.


"Come on Lilith! It's Halloween and everyone is going to be at the biggest party of the century! You have to come!"

"I see no reason to attend such a frivolous party. Halloween was a holiday dedicated to satanic rituals and capitalism. All it does is make you gain weight from all that disgusting candy and promote the wearing of slutty outfits for females. Count me out, thank you very much."

Walking down the hallways of the Egghead Institute, two girls were chatting after a long day of classes.

One had wild blonde hair that stuck out in all directions while an aviator helmet rested on top. She had big brown boots on with her uniform along with a pair of goggles around her neck. Gloves also covered her hands to prevent her from touching any surface she deemed disgusting. Her face was down inside a book while avoiding any obstacle in her way.

The other had dark cocoa skin with white spots in certain areas like her hands and left cheek. Her hair was tied in two puffy dark brown ponytails held together with two purple ribbons. Her hazel eyes glinted with mischief and her braces sparkled in the sun. She wore a cute pair of sneakers that were doodled on and had a purple coat tied around her waist. In her arms were a ton of books from all her classes and her backpack spilled her school supplies.

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