Chapter seven: The oddest day of my life

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"Alright everybody settle down!" Mrs. Harrington yelled to all the other freshman students which they promptly ignored. Ruth Harrington was my quantum physics teacher and one of the few female teachers in the physics department, she didn't have the best sense of style but she was still a great teacher, if a bit strict.

"Ms. Parker you are late" she declared, dropping a huge pile of papers on her desk. "Forgive me, Mrs. Harrington but my diver took a wrong turn and we got distracted" I apologize, looking down. Mj and I parted ways after we got out of the car, he had some other class as his first period, but we'd have my personal favorite class together next, Genetics.

"Just turn your work in and sit down" she sighed, sitting down. Poor Mrs. Harrington, she was only in her late twenties but her hair was already gray in some places, the stress of being a teacher causing this. I quickly turned in my work and sat down. "Hey, Parker!" I hear a all too familiar, annoying voice. I turn to see Geraldine "Flash" Thompson. Flash was the head cheerleader and the self proclaimed hottest girl at school. And to her credit she was quite pretty, she had strawberry blonde hair and gold eyes. But her beauty could not conceal one major think, she's a bitch.

"The richness is getting into your head" she whispers, in her usual mocking tone. "Leave me alone, Flash" I sigh, trying to focus on the tests that Mrs. Harrington was passing out. "You think just because you're uncle has a couple million dollars that the whole world revolves around you" she mocked. I snorted, a couple million dollars? Hell that's not even 5% of our money. But I always try to stay humble about it but sometimes it's more fun to gloat, especially when you're gloating against someone who makes your life miserable.

"Really? If you're going to make fun of someone about how much money I have at least get the amount right, Geraldine" I bite back. Everyone started to snicker at her, it made me feel good until, "You're dead, Parker" she whispered to me. I gulped and looked down at my desk to see the test in front of me, it was easy so it didn't take me long, so when I was done I went to the restroom.

"What the" I whisper looking down at my underwear to see that it had a red mark across the inside of it. "Shit, shit, shit" I whisper, this cannot be happening. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that it is happening, my doctors were worried that it wasn't happening but not right now.

"Hey, do you need help?" I hear a voice say. "No. Thank you, please go away" I scrambled out. I hear a sigh before she slips something under the stall. A sanitary napkin was on the floor, I stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Oh shit! I'm sorry I thought you had your period" I hear her whisper yell. "Oh don't worry! I actually need this" I reassured her.

It seemed easy enough, take the napkin out of the lining and put the sticky part on my underwear. And to it's credit, it was, "thank you" I say while pulling up my tights. "No problem" I hear her say, I opened up the stall and gasped. It was Gwendolyn Stacy, the disgraced daughter of the police captain of the New York City Police Department, why is she disgraced? Because she's the second in command of one of the biggest girl greaser gangs in Brooklyn. I don't know why she still attends Midtown, the rumors are that she's only still here because her father made vows to keep all children (including juvenile delinquents) safe and off the streets, so kicking his own daughter out and onto the streets would be seen as him breaking his vow.

Getting a good look at her made me realize one thing, she was beautiful. She had her light blonde hair tied up in tight pin curls that cascaded down her back, she had heavy eye makeup on that made her blue eyes pop. The unflattering uniform look perfect on her, she looked perfect herself. "Forgive me please, I didn't realize that it was you, Gwendolyn" I apologize while looking down. "It's fine, I'm sorry for scarring you" she sighed, she must have realized that I'm scared of her. "Thank you Gwendolyn, really I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't helped me. I'm sorry again" I say while walking out of the restroom.

The rest of the day went by in a flash, I went through the rest of my classes talk with Mj and ate with him as well. At the end of the day I took him home, he said that his stepdad would probably be at the bar for the rest of the day and night so he was safe, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong not with Mj but with me.

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