Chapter three: Hattie's jealousy

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"Portia darling, are these ladies bothering you?" Mrs. Osborn said in her way with a sweet voice. Mrs. Osborn was wearing a black and green dress and black gloves, her hair was curled down and she had on a black sun hat a bit similar to mine. 

"No Ma'am not at all Mrs. Osborn I am very well, Hi Hattie!" I say quietly turning to Hattie. Hattie was tall and extremely skinny her lips were almost always chapped but this time she looked well she had on a red dress similar to mine and her light brown hair was in a ponytail with a matching bow. 

" Hi Portia" she said a bit timidly "h-how are you" she continued "I am well, Hattie are you okay?" I question "Oh don't worry about her she had trouble going to sleep last night that is all" Mrs. Osborn said before Hattie could answer. Mrs. Osborn's face lit up"Ah! Beatrice there you are!"

I look behind me to see my aunt now in her sun hat too " Norma! How wonderful to see you, Hello Henriette!" Hattie nodded in response which made Mrs.Osborn's eye twitch a little.

Aunt Bea grabbed Mrs.Osborn's shoulders playfully "Come! You and Henriette must sit with me and Portia" Aunt Bea said while moving Mrs.Osborn along "Oh! What an honor sitting with the host and her niece!" Mrs.Osborn laughed.

Hattie followed quickly behind and I started to walk with her. "Isn't it crazy that my aunt chose a Sunday right before school to do this" I say trying to make her laugh it didn't work "I just think it's crazy that you're bad mouthing your aunt" she said quietly moving ahead of me, I walked in silence until we reached our table the biggest, and right in front of everyone.

The butlers come and start the first corse the tea I put a bit of cream in my tea and drink it, " So Portia I heard that the Kennedys themselves gave you the dress you're wearing" Mrs. Osborn said "It is just perfect on you Darling and what a great way to decorize, Oh how I wish Henriette would pay more attention to what she wears" she laments.

I could see Hattie and she didn't not look happy "Well I think that Hattie's dress is darling" I say hoping that no one realizes that I'm lying "Oh you are too kind, I hear about that since report you did and it was university level too? Oh Portia you scholar!"

Mrs Osborn ramble on as more and more courses come out me and Aunt Bea try to combat all of my achievements with the achievements that Hattie did but no use.

Me and my aunt were so distracted that I couldn't feel a weird feeling in my glove until it was too late, I yelped and grabbed my hand making everybody at the table turn to me including the steaming Hattie. 

" I am so sorry ladies but their has seemed to be something in my glove, Excuse me a minute" I say while running off.

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