Chapter six: I just punched the cutest guy's stepfather in the face

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(TW, domestic violence and blood)

The car ride was nice but quite until Eddie made a wrong turn. "Damn it! Sorry Ms. Parker but I've seem to have made a wrong turn, and the neighborhood we are about to be going into is not the nicest place to be" said Eddie in his heavy Brooklyn accent.

"Its alright Eddie" I reassure him while looking out the window. The neighborhood looked rundown and ghost like, the street was covered with trash and cigarette buds. The houses looked rundown, some had broken windows others had rotted porches. There was no signs of life until we we came towards a house where there were two men outside of it.

They were fighting, I could somehow tell that they were before they even came into full view. The men looked to be father and son, the older one was overweight and balding and was still in his night clothes. The son on the other hand was extremely handsome, he seemed to be my age and was extremely tall and had short curly red hair. The crazy thing was that I think he goes to Midland too, he had on the male uniform but his seemed a bit old and dirty. But something made me stop in my thoughts, he had a black eye

Their fight was becoming more intense and heated and it all boiled to the father throwing the son down the steps to the house. "Stop the car" I say "Ms. Parker this isn't a good idea" said Eddie, worry in his eyes "I sorry Mr. Eddie but I didn't ask for your opinion, now stop the car and open the door " I demanded. He relented stopping the car and unlocking the door. I ran to where he was and kneeled down next to him "Hey! Are you alright?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at me, his hands covering his nose "who are you?" He asked confusion in his voice. "I just want to help" I say giving him a comforting smile. "Is this one of those whores that go to your school, Micheal!?" Screamed his dad while pointing at me.

"The Hell you doing" I heard Eddie scream back in his thick Brooklyn accent. "Tell your prissy dumb blond to stay out of family matters!" Screams the father back. "Get to my car" I tell the guy while jumping up. "Listen I don't want to cause a even bigger commotion than I have already caused but, you can't treat a person let alone your son like that!" I scolded looking up at him. "A girl like you would know nothing about being disciplined, you probably grew up with a silver spoon in your bratty mouth!" He screamed again. He started to get closer to me, "please sir, don't get any closer. He got closer and started to raise his fist towards me, "A little whore like you needs to be properly-".

I punched him, square in the face, and everything seemed to slow down, I saw the blood and teeth waterfall out of him. This was incredible out of the ordinary for me, I wasn't the strongest but for a split second it seemed that the strength of an Olympian surged through my arm and fist. He fell to the ground with a thud

"Ms. Parker we need to go" said Eddie urgently. I look to see the son still on the ground. "Come with us, I see you go to Midland too" I say extending my hand. "Thank you" he said, taking my hand. Eddie looks like he's about to argue with me but stops himself, instead he opens the door and lets us in the car.

"I can't even begin to express my gratitude for stopping my stepfather, you don't even know my name" he says while buckling his seat. "Well what is it" I ask fallowing in his suit. "Micheal James Watson, but many call me Mj" he says extending his hand. "I'm Portia Parker" I say while shaking his hand.

"A Parker? In these parts? I'm surprised" he laughs. "We took a wrong turn, is this your first day at Midland?" I say changing the subject. "No. But I bet you haven't seen me, I went to night school. This is my first day at day school" he explains.

"Why would you do night school?" I ask curiously. "I had to work during the day so night school was a better choice, but now I don't so I can go to day school" he said with a smile. He had the most handsome face and smile, he looked like a movie star.

"That's good, hey do you want a drive home after school?" I asked praying that he'd say yes. "I don't want to be a bother" he sighed looking down. "You won't! I promise" I practically begged "If it's alright with you" he said looking up. "Please Mj, it would be a honor" I smile. "You called me Mj" he said with a huge smile. "That's your name, isn't it?" I say, "it is" he says. "Ms. Parker we've arrived"

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