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Singer Fatima Wilson lets boyfriend abuse son.

Trouble in paradise with Zachary Taylor and Fatima Wilson, how long have they been divorced?

Fatima Wilson in an abusive relationship?

The next day at Fatima's, she was sitting in her family room with the kids watching tv. She put her phone on DND because of all the dm's and comments. Her or Zac haven't responded to anything, nor have they been on social media and she was shocked at him because he usually would've ran to ruin her image by now.

"Can I call dad yet?" Amir asked her. "I want to go home."

"You've only been here a day. What's so bad about my house?" Fatima asked him.

"Nothing I just like my space." Amir explained.

Fatima took a deep sigh, "if it's the girls I'll keep them out of your way Amir but you cannot call your father right now, he needs time."

"He's going to leave me, isn't he?" Amir asked.

"No he's not. Amir, it's just a lot going on. Give him some space please." Fatima says.

"Whatever," Amir walked away and went into his room and called Zac anyways.

"Wassup?" Zac answered the phone nonchalantly.

"Can you come pick me up?" Amir asked him.

"I'm busy," Zac says. "I'll let you know later, I gotta go." Zac hung up the phone before Amir could get a word in and that set him off. He started throwing stuff around, crying and going off and Fatima came running in.

"You called him didn't you?!" She asked Amir and she could already tell by the look on his face what the answer to that question was. "I told you to let him cool off, you cannot do shit to people and expect it to just go away because you want it to."

"Leave me alone," Amir told Fatima. "It's your fucking fault!"

"STOP FUCKING TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT!" Fatima snatched Amir up. "I don't know where you getting this cussing and disrespecting me from but the next fucking time your teeth will be on the floor, understood?"

Amir was silent.

"Do you understand me?" Fatima asked again.

"Yes," Amir answered, barely over a whisper.

"And clean up this dirty ass room! Always got something smart to say can't even clean up after your nasty ass self," Fatima said leaving out of his room. "And I have the nerve to have 3 fucking kids." Fatima shook her head. "AMARI AND AMOUR GET UP HERE AND CLEAN YALLS DAMN ROOM TOO! Fucking sick of all y'all." 

Fatima went in her room and let out a loud scream. She was just all around frustrated with everything but most of all that divorce was eating her up the most and she tried to act as if she didn't care about it or Zac. Also she had nobody. Not her sister, not her best friend and she couldn't look to her judgmental mother. It was her against everyone at this point. Even her new manager had to be fired after 1 tour. Fatima was indeed losing her mind.  She grabbed her phone because she knew who she needed in that moment.

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