Chapter 57: Dora-The Crowns

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The ancient scrolls and books didn't even need dusting. If what she thought was right, this place was deserted over a thousand years ago. It was incredible. The home itself was sure, but the books... in perfect condition. Full of drawings, paintings, and stories. Gods, the histories they held.

The first one had been simple, more of a diary actually. She quickly tossed that aside to look through later. And she would, she was a glutton for secrets and personal experiences. If she could she'd stay here and read every single one but she was looking for something. She wasn't entirely sure what yet, just something that could help them. Or explain something about herself. Something that explained how it was her blood that sealed the fates.

"Look Dora, we found these chocolate cakes!" Macaria said running toward her with a handful of brown treats and Dionysus trailing behind her with his casual gate.

"Not bad either." He said patting his stomach. "You going to read all day?"

Dora slanted her eyes toward him over the book, "If no one bothers me."

"Are we bothering you love?" He plucked one of the brown cakes from Macaria's hand and tossed it to her. She'd barely dropped the book before catching it.

"Yes, you are." She said taking a bite. Her mouth watered immediately. The chocolate melted against her tongue.

Dionysus and Macaria laughed glancing at each other. "What?" She asked, "It's really good."

"Ooooh, what is this?" Macaria dropped the treats on one of the chairs and climbed the ladder that leaned on the bookshelves, "Catch." She dropped a long box to Dionysus who caught it with ease. Must not be heavy.

Dionysus began twirling it in his hands, unsure how to open it. There was a latch that wasn't budging no matter how hard he tugged at it. The slight crack that circled it looked as if it was actually glowing but when he tried prying it that too didn't budge.

"Let me try." She said intrigued.

"You think you can get it open and I can't?" He handed it over unconvinced. It was light and smooth to the touch. The latch didn't have a lock on it so it should open. Her fingers traced around the glowing edge trying to feel for something, anything that maybe the eye couldn't see. The latch came around again and this time it popped.

"I'm man enough to say when I'm wrong." He said sounding impressed. "How did you know how to open it?"

"I didn't. I was just feeling around." She pulled the lid off and gasped at the two crowns nestled amongst red pillows. They looked to be made of black onyx that shined in the light around them with two points that arched up in front as if forming horns at the front of the bands.

"These must have been Thanatos. Hades said he was King before him." Dionysus explained taking in the black box.

"Who was his Queen?"

"Hecate." Kore said from behind them. "She doesn't remember. It's a long story."

Dora was still getting use to the fact that Hecate, the very being that the priestess didn't want to speak of, was Kore's friend. She had looked like a wild haired child, not some ancient witch that made deals to the desperate. Let alone a queen.

"You were able to open the box?" Thanatos voice sounded shaky as he stalked over to them to look inside. "How?"

"I just ran my finger around the edge." She explained.

He eyed her suspiciously with that endless white gaze, sending chills up her arms and down her spine, "Who are you?"

"What does that mean?" Dionysus asked for her. He must have moved because she could feel his chest touching her back, warming that very chill

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