Twenty Six

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Dior pov
I pace up and down the hallway, the thick carpet squeaking under my feet. I murmur lines and hum the tune.
Stumbling back and forth and back and forth is calming my nerves. This is my main coping strategy, until the heavy oak door swings open and Charlie tumbles in. 'Hi, hi, sorry I'm late! I was held up and there was traffic and I ran into Aryan and he said hi and are you excited?? I would be...' he rambles.
Noticing my discomfort, he runs over to me. 'But of course none of that's important right now! Are you ready?'
'I guess.' I mutter.
'Hey, hey, don't think like that!' Charlie comforts, immediately taking in my nervousness. 'You'll do fine! You have a great voice, Didi.'
I don't say anything, just grab his pendant and smooth it against my skin. (A/n I loved this idea in another Waleah writer's story so I'm including it here)
I rub the cool metal across my hand, the hard silver pressing into my palm.
Charlie smiles down at me. I know he loves this almost ritual. My breathing settles down and Charlie just says, 'Ready?'
I nod and we walk into the studio where I will be recording my first song.
Charlie pov
Dior heads straight to the recording equipment at the other end of the studio while I stand and make small talk with the producers of Dior's song.
'Should we start?' Dior interrupts.
'Yes, of course!' The main producer smiles. I stand to the side and watch my girlfriend get ready.
'Ok, Dior, when you're ready!' One of the producers calls.
Dior nods. She takes a deep breath.
The opening bars of Focus start to play. Dior starts singing, but stops. 'Let me restart.' She exhales.
'Yep, take all the time you need!' A producer smiles.
Dior starts again. Again, the opening bars play then Dior stops again. 'No, no, can I try again?'
She tries one more time. For the third time, Dior stops. She shakes her head. 'I- I can't do it. It's too hard...' She buries her head in her hands for a moment then runs out of the recording studio.
A producer looks at me worriedly.
'I'll go after her.' I don't wait for an answer. I hurry out of the room after Dior.
Dior pov
I don't know why I couldn't sing. It just didn't come. Every time the music started, it just suddenly felt too daunting to be able to make my own song and release it. I sit down in the corridor and take a few breaths. I hear footsteps and then Charlie's arms wrap around my middle.
'Baby girl, are you okay? Talk to me. I'm here.' Charlie strokes my hair as I curl into his arms.
'I... I just... whenever I tried to sing it felt so daunting and I don't know if I can sing and there's so many producers and do I deserve this and-'
'Baby, you're speaking so fast. Calm down, it's okay. I'm here.' Charlie pulls me closer. 'It's okay. We can ask some of the producers to leave and we can just have the main one in there. You sing beautifully, my love. And of course you deserve it! You deserve the world, gorgeous.'
I smile up at Charlie. 'You always know exactly what to say, sweet.'
'That's because it comes to you. My baby girl that deserves more than anyone could ever give her.' Charlie traces the outline of my jawline. He kisses me long and deep, in a way that arches my spine and makes my skin buzz with electricity. He pulls me into his chest and I place a hand on it, feeling a hard, tight expanse of muscle, which does not help my current predicament.
He helps me up and we head back to the studio.
Charlie's pov
Dior breathes in deeply. She nods to the only producer and the lady nods back. The opening bars of Focus play again. Dior begins to sing.
Got something I like, baby
Say you quiet the mind, baby
Couple hours but I think I'd make that drive
Settle into the vibe, baby
'Cause I don't wanna decide, baby
We can grind between the blurred lines
Her clear voice rings in my ears and I breathe in too. I start singing the next verse alongside Dior.
Got that peace you need
Realign with me, tonight
We got speed, spike, ice
Frame it up on me tonight
Switch up the energy, let you direct me
Dior grins at me and grabs my hand as we sing the next verse in harmony.
Focus in on me
You keep me on it, babe
Focus in on me
Yeah, yeah
Focus in on me
You keep me on it, babe
Focus in on me
Focus, yeah
We finish the verse and smile at each other. The producer claps. 'You two harmonise so well!' She exclaims.
'Yeah!' I agree.
Dior nuzzles her face into my chest. I run my hands through her hair.
'You did great, Didi.' I kiss the top of her head.
'Thanks.' Dior replies. 'You too.'
'I love you.'
'Love you too.'

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