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Hinata pushed open the black door that led into the dim lobby of the mechanic shop. She stretched her strained muscles; sore from combat class she had just finished before coming to visit her new friends. A week had passed since she first met the oddball siblings and she had been to see them every day to check up on the progress of her ship. As she walked past the front counter into the large factory beyond she could see bright sparks flying into the air behind a large metal frame in the center of the room.

"Hey Sam!" She called, once she was farther in the room.

The sparks stopped and within seconds, Sam's lavender head popped out from behind the metal with large goggles over her eyes. With a grin, she pulled off her goggles and made her way over to Hinata. "Welcome back, Hinata!" She chimed. "How did practice go today?"

Hinata smiled back and nodded. "Really good. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of hand-to-hand." She clenched her hand in front of her and chuckled. "Don't tell Amelia that though, she would probably tell Colette to go harder on me."

"Hey, Hinata!" James greeted, walking up with an armful of paperwork. "Always good to see you."

She inclined her head towards him with a strained smile. She watched him bring the paperwork to the desk against the wall and asked. "What's all that for?"

Wiping his hands once the papers were down, he told her. "I finished the list of parts we need for your ship."

Hinata's eyes widened. "You need to order that many?"

Sam walked past Hinata and looked over the papers on the desk. "Considering the size of it, this isn't actually that much to order. Plus with all that gold you paid, it will be easy to get all this." With a sigh she looked up and continued. "Now I just need to go into town and find the parts. We might have to end up ordering a few parts from the Space Port."

"Are you going now?" Hinata asked, crossing her arms.

Glancing back at the metal frame in the center of the room, Sam shrugged. "Might as well. I've done all I can with the resources we have."

Hinata nodded, "Alright, I'll come with you if that's alright."

"You sure you don't want to stay here with me?" James asked, stepping forward.

"I think I'll pass." Hinata told him. "For all I know, you would try to turn me being alone with you into some sort of date."

James sighed. "You know me too well." He looked over at Sam. "Are you sure you want to do it? I don't mind running out to order everything."

Sam shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. I would like to get out of the shop for once." She swept up the papers and straightened the pile, before telling Hinata. "And you're welcome to come along."

Hinata smiled. "Great!" She reached to her side and pulled out her satchel, opening it. "Here, you can stash those papers in here."

"Thanks," She nodded, putting the papers inside. As she pulled back her hands she caught sight of a large book inside the bag. "What book are you reading?" She asked.

Looking inside the satchel, Hinata explained. "Oh it's not really a book. It's more of a photo album of sorts. Now all that most of the gold is gone, it freed up some space and I bring this along with me everywhere I go."

"You bring a picture book with you everywhere?" James asked, crossing his arms. "Why?"

Hinata shrugged, "It's just nice to have I guess. I haven't really thought about it." She closed her bag and swung it back over her shoulder. "You ready then?" She asked Sam.

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