Treasure Planet

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Her head pounding, Hinata opened her eyes to find herself tied up. Her hands were bound behind her back with a cloth over the front of her mouth. She tried to figure out where she was but the area she found herself in was almost pitch black. Trying to make a sound, her voice was muffled through the gag over her mouth as she also tried to wriggle free from her constraints.

A tentacle smacked her on the back of the head. "Be quiet!" A harsh voice ordered her.

She fell silent and tried to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Within a couple minutes she was able to make out dark silhouettes of figures around the room. She seemed to be back in Ben's home and was surrounded by the pirates. Her hallucinations had passed as did the delusions of the two pirates that had been suffering earlier. She looked beside her and was able to make out two familiar figures; Doctor Doppler and Captain Amelia. They seemed to be in the same situation as her, with their hands bound behind their backs and gags over their mouths. Rattling metal mixed with the sound of footsteps came out of the sphere on the far end of the room.

Jim hurriedly climbed out of the sphere, holding a gold object in his hand. Running to the other end of the room to a figure lying on the floor, he whispered, "Doc, Doc, wake up! I got the map!"

A large metal hand rose from the figure and grabbed the object in Jim's hand, "Fine work, Jimbo." Silver chuckled, sitting up to reveal himself. "Fine work, indeed."

Jim's eyes widened and he quickly backed up, but was met with a group of pirates who immediately grabbed him. Hinata tried to yell for him to run, but was muffled by the cloth over her mouth. Ben and Morph also tried to get away, but were overtaken by the pirates within seconds. Jack flew through the pirates, barking irately. Whenever one of the aliens would grab him he would float right through their grasp. He tried biting them but without teeth, he was hardly dangerous. Seeing Hinata tied up, he went to her side with a whimper.

Once everything had settled, Silver stood from his spot and grabbed the gold object from Jim. "You're just like me, Jimbo. Ya hates to lose." With a chuckle, he began twisting the round golden sphere but swiftly became frustrated when nothing happened. Jim watched Silver struggle and began to laugh, getting a glare from Silver. He nodded to his men and they released Jim. Holding out the sphere for Jim, he ordered, "Open it!"

Jim held out his hand as Silver dropped it into his grasp. He stood there for a moment, and glanced over at Hinata, Doppler, and Amelia. Hinata was confused at what the object even was, while Doppler and Amelia were shaking their heads.

Seeing Jim's apprehension, Silver held up his gun and charged up a shot. "I'd get busy."

Sighing, Jim looked down at the small sphere in his hands and suddenly began pressing buttons as if he were entering a code. Hinata watched in confusion, gasping when the object clicked and began to glow a bright blue; lighting up the entire cave as a single string of light flew out of the cave.

Silver grinned once the light appeared and muttered, "Oh the powers that be. Would you look?" Making his face stern he ordered, "Tie him up and leave him with the others while we—what?"

The glow sucked back into the sphere as Jim closed it. Silver glared while Jim told him. "You want the map? You're taking me too."

Silver's eyes widened before he chuckled and shook his head. Motioning his head outside he conceded. "We'll take them all."

"And untie my friends." Jim ordered, returning the glare Silver gave him.

"Not a chance!" One of the aliens that held Hinata captive objected.

Silver rolled his one good eye, "Remove the gags, but keep their wrists tied."

Their gags were removed and Jack licked Hinata's cheek once it was free. She gave him a small smile and whispered, "Jack, can you grab my satchel and bring it with us?" With a nod, he floated over to her things and began putting things away to bring along. Hinata was about to thank him but quickly scowled when a pirate shoved her forward. "Alright, I'm going, calm down." She walked forward to be beside Jim as they exited the cave and quietly told him. "I'm glad you made it back safely."

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