first blood(part two)

Start from the beginning

"Alright, team," Sylvie whispered, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of the dockyard. "Here's the plan, Carlos, you and Inês create a distraction. Start a fight with those two grunts by the crates. Make it loud, make it messy and then, you guys wait here for me."
Inês, a feral grin splitting her face, cracked her knuckles as she went towards the grunts. "Consider it done." Carlos rushed and followed her.
Sylvie turned to Lívia. "You're with me. We need to find a way onto that ship before they leave."

Lívia, the smartest, adjusted the straps of her backpack. "Lead the way, Sylvie. Just remember, if things go wrong..."
"We improvise," Sylvie finished, a steely glint in her eyes

As Carlos and Inês launched into a well-rehearsed brawl, Sylvie and Lívia darted towards the plan, avoiding the Mobsters in the ship. Reaching the gangplank, they were met by two hulking Crimson guards, their faces etched with suspicion, Sylvie frowned complaining inside her head about Crimson not warning the guards about her plan.
"Hold it right there," one of them growled, a hand landing on his holstered weapon.

Sylvie, thinking fast, flashed a dazzling smile, the kind she used to reserve for Crimson's higher-ups. "Relax, boys. Just delivering a... special package for the Captain."

The guards didn't seem convinced. Just as they were about to reach for their comms, Sylvie lashed out, a blur of controlled violence. Her elbow connected with the first guard's jaw, sending him sprawling.
Before the second could react, Lívia just step backed watching as Sylvie slammed her knee into the man's gut, doubling him over.
With a grunt, Sylvie snatched the fallen guard's comm unit and barked into it, mimicking a gruff voice. "Everything's under control here. Just a little scuffle with some dock rats. Let them pass."
A crackle of static, then a gruff reply. "Alright, get those crates aboard and make it snappy."

Sylvie's smirk stretched wider, a triumphant glint in her eyes as she glanced back at a bewildered Livia. "See? Piece of cake," she declared, though her voice held a hint of smugness that grated on Livia a little.
The priority now was to disappear before anyone else noticed their unsanctioned entry. Grinning with the thrill of their success, they sprinted past the groaning guards, their footsteps echoing on the metal deck. Finding a secluded spot was crucial.

The labyrinthine corridors offered a temporary refuge, but they needed a more secure hiding place.
Reaching the cargo hold, a cavernous space overflowing with crates and barrels, Sylvie spotted salvation in the form of a thick rope dangling from the ceiling. With practiced agility, she snagged it and raced towards the stern of the ship. Below, bobbing gently on the dark water, was a small rowboat tethered to the freighter.

"Heads up!" she yelled, tossing the rope over the gunwale of the rowboat.
Carlos and Inês wasted no time. Gripping the rope, they clambered down with surprising ease, Livia following close behind. Hauling them all into the cramped vessel, Sylvie let out a satisfied huff.

Phase one - infiltration complete.

Settled in the tiny boat, the adrenaline rush began to subside, replaced by a tense silence. Sylvie, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, broke the quiet.
"Alright," she began, her voice barely a whisper due to the ship's rhythmic creaking, "so... where's this angelic weapon you guys mentioned?"

The question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken tension. Livia, Inês, and Carlos exchanged hesitant glances. Sylvie, sensing their unease, felt a prickle of unease crawl up her spine.
Finally, Inês reached into her bag and pulled out a small, worn object. As she revealed it in the dim light, Sylvie's breath hitched. It wasn't the giant going gun or the ornate artifact she'd envisioned. Instead, it was a simple, gleaming knife. But there was something about it - an otherworldly sharpness to the blade, a faint hum in the air that seemed to emanate from the polished metal.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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