first blood

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After one year, Three hundred and sixty-five sunrises that bled into sunsets, each a monotonous blur of clanging metal and barked orders. Twelve years old, Sylvie felt a lifetime older, her body a honed weapon etched with the scars of relentless training, The training grounds, a sprawling complex adjoining the gladiatorial arenas, became her world, the stench of sweat and blood a perverse perfume. Days bled into weeks, weeks into months, a grueling cycle of swordsmanship drills, hand-to-hand combat, and survival training in the unforgiving wastelands surrounding the city. The Bloodpact didn't offer playtime for its recruits; every waking moment was dedicated to becoming a ruthless killer.

One crisp morning, the monotony shattered. Chaz, his face etched with an uncharacteristic solemnity, stood in the center of the training yard, his booming voice cutting through the usual cacophony of clashing steel and grunts. Silence descended like a heavy shroud. "Sylvie," Chaz barked, his voice tinged with a hint of...happiness? "Report to Crimson's chambers immediately. You've been assigned your first mission."

A tremor, more anticipation than fear, ran through Sylvie. First mission, The Bloodpact had taken her childhood, but not her spirit. This mission, whatever it entailed, would be her first step, a single pebble tossed into the stagnant pond of her forced loyalty, with a determined glint in her eyes, Sylvie strode towards the imposing obsidian towers that housed Crimson's chambers. The weight of the clan's insignia, a cold metal spider etched onto her back, felt heavier than usual. Yet, beneath it, a flicker of defiance burned, a tiny ember waiting to ignite. This mission wasn't just about survival; it was about testing the boundaries of her forced loyalty, a chance to find her own path in this brutal world. The Bloodpact might have taken her freedom, but Sylvie wouldn't let them control her, she's like a caged birth but with an unbreakble spirt.

Sylvie's heart hammered against her ribs as she hurried down the dimly lit corridors towards Crimson's chambers. It had been a long time – months – since she'd last stood in his chilling presence. The last time, his words had echoed in her mind, a cruel challenge: "Don't return until you're worthy."

Reaching the dark oak doors, she took a deep breath, steeling herself, The chamber was poorly lit, a stark contrast to the harsh sunlight filtering through the window. Crimson sat behind his massive desk, a sculpted demon with a crimson gaze that pinned her in place. Even from this distance, a faint aura of power crackled around him. He gestured towards a chair in front of his desk, his voice a low growl.

"Finally decided to grace me with your presence, Sylvie," he drawled. "Took you long enough."

Sylvie straightened her back, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "Ready for my mission, Crimson," she stated firmly.

A flicker of pride crossed his features, a cruel twist of his lips. He reached across the desk, picking up a thick file and tossing it towards her. It landed with a heavy thud, scattering papers across the polished surface.

"Good," he rumbled. "You've gotten stronger, haven't you? But strength alone doesn't win battles, child. This mission will require more than just brute force."

Sylvie rose, gathering the file and its contents. Her fingers skimmed across the documents – a map, schematics of a remote outpost, and profiles of suspected insurgents. Her pulse quickened with a thrill of anticipation.

"So tell me, Sylvie," Crimson continued, his voice a low, dangerous purr. "Are you just a weapon, honed and sharp, or is there a brain ticking behind those fierce eyes? This mission will be your test."

Sylvie met his gaze again, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hands. "I understand, Crimson," she said, her tone leaving no room for doubt. "I'll retrieve what you need, and I'll bring back the information you desire. All of it."

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