Something Lost and Something Found

Start from the beginning

     "Of course," Haku agrees. Then, he gives me a look. "You're not a fan of the flying."

     "I will be," I say. "I once was."

At least today is Kiganei Junior High's cultural festival.

        Kiganei is the junior high that feeds into our school. I spent many long years at the place. It's down the road from the senior high and is occasionally the worst but generally a pretty okay school. Anyway, you can't miss the festival; there are too many bright signs outside, too many people yelling and laughing. If Ryo wanted a quick getaway, then this would be the place.

         "This way," I say, looking back at Haku, who doesn't look happy about going into the crowd. He looks at me, and I can't get over how different he is, how much like the person I knew and yet not at all the same. I take his hand and say, "Trust me. Don't worry."

       We walk into the fray. It's a little hard to get Haku to come on, but soon we're walking at a pretty fair pace through the festival. Little kids run around with their parents to stalls advertising all kinds of activities or food. I look over at Haku, who is just as seemingly see-through as Ryo was. Maybe if he ate something . . .

        "I'm not sure that'll help," Haku says, and I jump back in surprise. Had he been reading my mind? Can he do that?! "You could eat the food in the Spirit World because you're both a body and a spirit. But I'm just a spirit without my river, so I don't think anything I do here will work."

         "Right," I say. "Duh." It had been a good idea . . .

          "Doesn't that guy smell weird? . . ."

          My ears perk up. I look over at a lady talking to her friend, speaking in almost hushed tones, but loud enough that I can hear. At first, I think they're talking about Haku (who doesn't stink but doesn't smell normal in the least), but they aren't even facing us. How could they talk about him if they don't see us?

           "Yeah, and he looks weird, too. Is that the high school uniform? What is he doing out here?"

           So I was right! He is here!

            "Those two women are talking about Ryo," I tell Haku, nonchalantly pointing. "He must be that way."

          I start off toward them, but Haku pulls me back by my hand. I look back at him and frown. "What is it? Don't we need to hurry?"

          "Before we go . . ." Haku hesitates. "Chihiro, it's been a while since you've been in our world--"

          "Yeah. Really. Seven years."

          "--and a lot has changed," Haku continues.

           I shrug. "I've changed, too, Haku. I can handle it."

           "No, Chihiro. That's not what I meant." Haku looks me level in the eyes like he always has, and he says, "You can't trust anything he says. It's not like before, Chihiro, it's different."

           "I said it's okay," I tell him. "Why are you so off? It's me, Haku. It's okay. Now come on; we're gonna lose him."

           "Nothing is going to be the way it was before," Haku warns.

            I frown at him. "What do you mean?"

            Haku doesn't say any more and pulls me along. "Come on; we have to hurry."




I'm really, really sorry. I haven't been a good updater at all. It's been since, what, September? Earlier than that.

I'm trying to develop exactly where and how I want this story to go because I want it to mean something specific, and I'm not exactly sure how to get it to do that yet. Updates will probably be short and to the point and really drawn out just like this until I get there. If you're willing to put up with me until then, then I applaud you and hug you and throw you lots of cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles. If not, well, RE: Haters Back Off.

Anyway, thank ya for all the support! Hugs and kisses from Chihiro and friends!


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