"We tried pulling him out, but he was struggling so much. That he sank even deeper. Our chocolate is the richest in the country but unfortunately that also makes it the heaviest." The woman explains walking them to the scene. "Sir? Sir? How you feeling in there?" Chimney asks leaning over the rail looking at the man in the chocolate. "W-w warm." He calls out covered. "We had to leave the heat on my foreman was afraid if we didn't that the whole batch would just harden up." The woman explains looking at them. "Then we'd be chiselling him out. All right let's get to work!" Chimney shouts out as everyone grabs equipment. "The pressure on his body is probably slowing his circulation we don't get him out of here soon, he may lose consciousness." Hen tells Chimney. "All right guys. let's pull him out." Chimney shouts out. "Here can you reach your hands above the surface ?" Eddie asks the man who cries out. "No." He responds. "All right we're gonna grab under his arms." Buck calls out as Olivia and Buck get on either side of the ladder climbing on it. "Okay ready?" Buck asks looking up at Liv. Olivia nods putting her hands in the chocolate and so does Buck before almost falling in. Olivia grabs bucks arm lifting him up slightly. "Thanks." Buck says as Olivia nods. "Physics is happening here, we're creating a low pressure pocket when we pull him up, and then that pocket is pulling him right back down." Olivia tells them and Buck exhales. "Great so basically chocolate quicksand." Buck resorts with a slight scoff. "Okay everybody just stop for a second. Hen take out an 02 tank rip off the mask create an air tube. it'll buy us some time if he goes completely under." Chimney explains as Hen frowns. "Time for what?" Hen questions. "For me to think!" Chimney shouts out. Olivia, Buck, and Eddie are still trying to pull the man out. "Here try to bite this tube with your tongue so you don't lose it." Hen tells him as he bites the tube. "Okay good. Okay now what Captain?-" Hen asks looking for Chimney who's gone. "Did our cap just run away?" Eddie asks looking around. "I wish I could." Olivia responds sighing. "I think he went that way." A kid calls out pointing. The man sinks going in and Chimney starts shouting out. "Coming through!" Chimney shouts before adding cocoa butter into the chocolate. "The hell?" Hen asks confused. "It's Cocoa butter tempers the chocolate. Decreases the viscosity." Chimney explains and Olivia laughs. "Damn Chim that's smart." Olivia calls out. "It's Captain Han actually and stir." Chimney says passing Hen a stirring stick. "Keep mixing its working!" Olivia shouts out as Eddie Liv and Buck start to get the man out. When they get him out the put him on the gurney heading out. "Welldone Captain Han." Olivia smiles and Hen just looks at them. "You weren't so sure that I could do it were you?" Chimney asks looking at Hen. "You called Bobby didn't you?" Hen accuses him smirking. "I went down to the..- I turned on the- He's a chef a good captain utilises all his resources." Chimney admits being smug. "Either way i'm proud Chim." Olivia taps his back walking off.

"Mail bomb, wife's in rough shape. but she's still in one piece. The house hasn't been cleared yet bomb squads still a couple minutes out." Athena explains giving Chimney and Olivia the run down. "Copy that. let's move!" Chimney shouts out rushing off. "here! She's not breathing! I tried talking to her but she wouldn't answer." Ned explains worriedly. "She can't hear you cause her eardrums are blown out." Olivia tells Ned looking at the woman. "All right let's turn her." Chimney tells his team as Eddie stabiles her neck. Chimney listens to her breathing. "Breathing's shallow at a bilateral pneumothorax we don't release the pressure she could suffocate." Chimney explains worriedly. "I did my share of these in combat." Eddie calls out. "Get some fentanyl slow drip." Chimney tells them. Olivia looks at them then at Hen before Hen speaks up. "Chim, there's post attack protocol you're the captain." Hen tells him firmly. "I'm also the most experienced paramedic on site. Four inch catheter ten gauge." Chimney says to Hen then looks at Eddie, Buck, and Liv. "All right buck, Eddie, Liv there could be a secondary device we need to get everyone off the X." Chimney tells them as they nod. "Sir is there anyone else in the house?" Buck asks Ned who shakes his head. "Uh no, no is she gonna make it? Please please tell me she's gonna make it." Ned cries out looking at the firefighters. "Why don't you come with us? We can check you out." Olivia tells Ned as the three fighters start to move him away from the scene.

Olivia grabs bucks arm leading him to an empty room in the firehouse. "Liv what are you-" Buck calls out confused. "You were right to clock me out on my bullshit, i'm not doing okay." Olivia looks at Buck who looks at her softly. "Do you wanna talk about it maybe?" Buck asks genuinely caring. "No. But I do wanna talk about us." Olivia admits looking down nervously. "Us? What about us Liv?" Buck questions pushing himself of the wall. "When I came round to see you when everything went down with Maddie I was gonna tell you I wanted us to do it for real. Be a couple I mean." Olivia says still looking down. "Liv-" Buck calls out. "I'm not saying that's what I want now I just needed you to know the truth." Olivia finally looks up at him and he nods. "So why did you say yes to us being just  friends?" Buck asks crossing his arms. "Because that's what I thought you wanted. We're not even together  and it's already complicated it's a sign we shouldn't do this." Olivia tells him playing with the chain on her neck. "You know you're not the only one who gets to make that call. What if I wanted to give it a try? Give us a try." Buck walks over grabbing her hands. "Buck don't I can't ." Olivia looks up at him. "I'm not saying we should jump straight into a relationship but im saying we shouldn't close the door on us. At least not yet." Buck puts his head down resting his forehead on Olivia's. "Buck I-"  "Just think about it Liv." Buck kisses her forehead before walking out.

Olivia's next shift is difficult once since Eddie's wife had been involved in a accident. She had passed away due to her injuries and Liv couldn't help but feel guilt, for not saving her. But everyone felt that and waited for Eddie in the waiting room. "Eddie i'm so sorry." Olivia opens her arms wide for him and he hugs back letting tears fall. "I'm- i'm so sorry." Olivia tightens her grip her voice cracking as she hugged back.

Hours pass and Olivia had plenty of time to think, think about her and Buck's future. she sends him a text to meet her at her place so they could talk. He arrived and the two sat in silence before Olivia speaks. "So todays call was a hard one..but it gave me a new perspective on everything." Olivia's leg bounces up and down trying not to make any eye contact. "I- I don't know what this thing between is us but I sure as hell know that tomorrow isn't promised and i'd never forgive if one of us die without giving us a chance." Liv's eyes  meet Bucks and he can't help but smile. "I also had time to think, and I was thinking we could take this slow. Not put a label on us so we don't feel pressured just two people figuring out what they are." Buck grabs her hand once again holding it. "I like that idea." Olivia smiles moving closer to him. "Good." Buck replies before kissing the girl. "Guys i'm kinda still here-" Alyssa calls out moving out of her hiding spot. Olivia and Buck pull away from each other turning to the girl. Buck and Olivia face eachother again and just embrace the moment laughing. "Please don't get freaky until i'm actually gone." Alyssa then gets up running out.

A/N: Guys next chapter is season two finale..uh oh!! Also season 3 is Lucks divorce era 🥰🥰

word count: 2078

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