Good to be Queen

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"Come here," <*) beckoned, her voice sweet as honey with a bitter aftertaste. Her tone alone was menacing enough to warn the guard to fear for his life.

But at the queen's urging, the young fool stepped directly in front of her. Somehow, <*) towered over him despite remaining seated at her throne. The guard's hands shook noticeably. He didn't know what was going to happen, he just knew something was going to.

Definitely something bad.

<*) smiled, flashing her teeth at him. "I have some advice for you, young man."

Normally, the guard would have balked at the notion of being called 'young man', especially by a girl who was younger than him, but all he could hear was his heart pounding in his chest.

The faint echo skipped several beats as a sudden hand snapped to grab his collar. She brought him down to her meet her eyes, but he couldn't manage to see her stare for more than a second. Her golden, hawk-like eyes flickered in nothing more than amusement as his green ones darted to everywhere but her face.

<*)'s voice lowered to a whisper, so only he could hear.

"Be careful how you speak about your queen. You never know who may be listening," she chuckled coldly, smirking as she let go of the guard and leaned back into her throne. The guard looked close to fainting, breathing heavily as he shook.

<*) raised an eyebrow. "Why are you still here? Go do your job." She fluttered her hand dismissively at the guard.

His eyebrows furrowed. Could this be a trick? Or would he not die today? <*) sensed his hesitation and narrowed her eyes.

Her hand stuck out at him for a second, only a second, but it was enough to make the guard flinch. She never touched him, yet he still reacted as though he had been slapped.

"Don't make me regret my advice, boy," she warned.

He nodded, his breath still shaky. The guard scampered away, shutting the door firmy behind him.

<*) settled even further into her throne seat, sighing in contentment. It was nice, taking a break from diplomacy every once in a while.

It was good to be queen.

A/N: Okay, but why is this kind of hot??? Is it just me? Help...

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