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The next at school went by quick, Sarah sat by Elle in French class, The teacher wanted the girls to get into groups to practice speaking French. "We need to ask Tara about Nick" Sarah whispered to Elle "Would it matter if were a group of four?" Elle asked Sarah in a quiet tone "There;s only fifteen minutes left, it wouldn't matter." 

Elle looked back at the table where Tara and Darcy sat "can we be a group of four?" Elle asked the two "oh my gosh, yes please" Tara smiled with a hint of excitement "Darcy pronunciation is horrendous." Tara added on when Sarah was switching her seats to the front of Darcy "you should hear my pronunciation" Sarah said when she sat on the black chair "it's really bad" Elle joked, making everyone laugh at the table "Okay um, Darcy avez vous un petit ami?" Tara had her paper in her hands while she stared at Darcy, waiting for a response "Oui j'ai une petite amie" Darcy replied in French, Une is a feminine word, not a masculine one. 

"Une makes it feminine, so you'd be saying you have a girlfriend" Elle was quick to correct the blonde, Sarah lightly kicked Elle's ankle, making Elle look at her "ask her" Elle nodded her head "Tara, avez vous un petit ami?" She asked if Tara had a boyfriend or not, "Non je n'ai pas de petit ami" Sarah smiled, it meant Tara didn't have a boyfriend which meant she wasn't with Nick, that was a good sign.

It was now Darcy's turn to ask a question "Sarah, as tu un coup de coeur?" Darcy asked if Sarah had a crush or no, she looked down at her white paper to look for a response "oui je le fais" Sarah admitted, Elle smirked as she knew who it was "Oo who is it" Darcy looked at Sarah with a toothy smile "Darcy!" Tara moved her eyes to Sarah "you don't have to answer that" Sarah nod her head "Oh come one, I don't tell him, or her." Sarah thought for a second, she trusted Tara and Darcy "Do I say it in French or English?" "English"

"Don't tell him" Sarah started at the two girls "We won't" Sarah gulped before answering "He goes to Truham.." She trailed off, leaving the two girls on the edge of their seats "His name is... Tao" She confessed to them, she felt her heart beat loudly now that her deep secret is out "Oh my gosh!" Darcy said loudly "The guy on your Instagram?" Sarah shook her head at Tara's question "she liked him since year 8 when her brother introduced him to her" Sarah covered her face with her hands, blocking her widespread blush "Aw that's so cute" Darcy teased "she might die from blushing too hard" Elle joked "Okay okay enough, let the poor girl live" Tara stopped both of them from teasing, Sarah picked her head off from the table "thank you Tara"

"your turn to ask" Sarah picked up her table once more "Tara, avez-vous une petite amie?" Tara and Darcy glanced at each other, not expecting the question "Oui" Tara answered "Don't tell anyone please" Tara begged, Sarah looked over at Elle with a smile "I won't" Sarah promised "I knew you two had something" Elle said to the both "Only a few of our friends know, but I think you two are officially apart of our inner circle" Tara and Darcy laid their hands on the table, Sarah put hers on top of Darcy and Elle's hand "you two both friended the school lesbians" Darcy said quietly, not wanting others to hear "You friended the school's bisexual" The whole table laughed 

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