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Sarah Marybeth isn't your typical girl; She wears bright colors that gets peoples attention, she loves to play her saxophone whenever the chance she gets, she absolutely sucks at math and history and shes friends with people who are known as the outcast. I guess you can say, shes a bit different from everyone that goes to Higgs, the all girls school.

"I'm so glad you went to Higgs instead of staying at Truham" Sarah sat down on the bench by her best friend, Elle. "I know right" She scooted over to make room for Sarah "and I get to be with you" Sarah smiled with a light blush on her cheeks "Don't worry, it'll be better here. From what Tao told me, Truham is hell." Sarah opened the white cap from her apple juice that laid in her tray "It definitely was hell" 

Sarah felt her phone vibrate in her pockets, she put her hand inside and took out her white and green phone case.

Notification: Tao

Tao: Miss you and Elle :( 

Sarah smiled as she read the message Tao had sent her through Instagram "is that Tao?" Elle's eyes landed on her phone "Yeah, he misses you and me" 

Sarah: Do you really? 

"he'll be fine" Elle responded with a roll coming from her eyes "it's not like we see him after school" Elle added onto her sentence "I wish we went to schools where everyone can go- this whole girls and boys school is stupid" Sarah unwrapped the plastic wrapped on her white plastic spoon, getting ready to dig into her yellow corn "I agree a hundred percent" 

"Oh my gosh!" Here storms Paige, the girl Sarah once dated "It's the lesbian!" Paige spoke loudly, the whole cafeteria erupted with laughter "for the last time I am not a lesbian." Sarah informed. Sarah and Paige dated in year 9, well not really... Paige lied about being interested in Sarah just so she could expose Sarah for being a part of the LGBTQ, which ruined her reputation. 

"Well you like girls, don't you?" Paige had a sly smirk on her pink stained lips "Ever heard of bisexuality? Clearly not since you don't have any braincells." Paige snatched the white spoon from Sarah's hand, pieces of corn flew everywhere onto the ground and tables "Hey knock it off!" Elle yelled in anger "aren't you a boy? Go back to Truham." Paige is a homophobic and transphobic bully, she goes after anyone who isn't straight as a pencil. "Leave her alone" Sarah got up from the chairs and stood face to face with Paige, glaring at her blue eyes "You don't scare me, you little girl kisser" Paige pushed Sarah, which made her blood boil.

"Hey you two! Knock it off!" One of the teachers shouted at the two, stopping things from escalating. Paige laughed with a smirk "see you later" She walked away from Sarah, her heels clacking against the white floor tiles "You didn't need to get into trouble for me." Elle told Sarah when she sat back down "I'm not going to tolerate someone bulling you." Sarah turned her head to her best friend, she had a smile on her face "I could not have had a better best friend" Ella gave her a side hug "Same here" 


Sarah took out her phone once again

Tao: Why wouldn't I? 

Sarah smiled once again, "Tao again?" Elle looked at her phone "stop being noisy" Sarah playfully said "It's hard when i'm third wheeling" Sarah only told Elle about her crush on Tao Xu, the playful and crazy boy who were in both of their friend group. Elle always teases Sarah whenever she gets the chance "Shut up!" she hit Elle's ankle with her shoe "Ow! You twat!" 

Tao: I have some news from Truham 

Sarah quickly answered the boy

Sarah: What is it?? 

"Tao said he has some news" Sarah informed Elle "ooooo let me see" Sarah placed her phone on the table lightly, so she and Elle could read it 

Tao: Charlie's obsessed with some rugby lad in his form

"Oh my gosh" Elle gasp "ask him who it is" Sarah raised her brow

Sarah: Give details

Three dots appeared on her phone, Tao responded.

Tao: tell you in person 

Sarah: You're a loser 😡

"Wow- This is interesting" Elle chimed in "what is so interesting?" Sarah turned her phone off when she saw the teacher walk by "you and Tao texting" "It's not that interesting" The teacher walked over by the table "Making friends Elle?" The teacher asked the new student "Oh, me and her been friends for awhile" Elle looked over at Sarah "It's a great to go to school with a childhood friend" She smiled at the both of them "But- it would be nice if you make new friends, maybe make a group of friends?" The adult suggested "me and Sarah have a friendgroup already- thanks for the suggestion" The teacher nodded her head before leaving. 

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