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...I realized something a few days ago.

I think that the fact i didn't *really* give credits for most of the comics i posted...is bad.

I don't know 

I mean...i knew it wasn't very cool to do that, but my brain is kinda... not working well. 

But now the full realization hit me, and i feel guilty for all the artists, all the time and effort they put into their art.

..So i'm sorry, because i really don't know most of the artists.

So i think i'll have to delete this account.

It didn't have much readers anyways, so i don't think this part is a problem. 

Oh. and i'm also too lazy to continue this properly. This is not something comfortable for an introvert like me.

So i think i'm gonna stop this.

I'm sorry for the few people that were kind enough to waste a part of their time for this.

I'll think about it. 

..For now, consider that as a ..kind of break.

Bye, have a good day/night, and i hope to see yall again :/

Undertale memesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora