☁°˚∘⊹ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝔼𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕖⊹∘˚°☁

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Cassi was sitting on one of the benches in the PlayCare watching the kids run around while playing a game of tag of some sorts. She chuckled quietly to herself before turning her head as someone called her name. She stood and speed-walked over to where she heard the voice come from.
"Is everything alright?" She asked quickly when she got to the room, seeing one of the people in higher up management standing there, while another man with medium length red hair pulled back into a pony-tail stood behind him, leaning on the edge of the desk beside him. He was wearing a pale purple button up shirt with black pants that covered the top of his boots and red hair spotted his chin and sides of his jaw. A black piercings dotted his ears and the accessory that stood out the most was a bracelet on his right wrist that had golden swirls decorating the black leather.
"Oh yeah, everythings fine. I do have a task for you though." the higher up stated. Cassi blinked in confusion before replying, "Oh uh, alright. What is it?" She put her hands in her pockets looking at the man with the gray suit as he nodded his head towards the other man.
"We've got a new worker. This is Pasha Hunter," the red-headed man looked up after hearing his name and waved at Cassi, she waved back before turning her attention back to the higher up. "You'll be showing him around, if that's alright?" Cassi nodded, "Mhm yeah, that's fine." She affirmed, the higher up nodded before turning to leave. "I'll leave you to it then." And with that he left the room, leaving Cassi and Pasha alone.

"Hello," he said simply.
"Hi," Cassi replied with a small wave. They stood in silence for a moment before Cassi continued, "Soo, how'd you find this job?" She asked, trying to start a conversation,
"The newspaper," He answered with a shrug. He spoke with a Russian accent so Cassi assumed he either used to live in Russia or it was something he spoke at home. "They were looking for people to help with the kids and I'd like to think that I'm good with children." He chuckled, rubbing his neck.
She nodded along, "I'm sure they'll love you! They always enjoy meeting new people." she assured, starting to exit the room.
"What about you?" He asked as he followed after her, she hummed in thought for a moment.
"My father works here as well, I guess when I learned about the PlayCare I thought it might be a good thing to help with, I had always wanted to help with kids." He nodded at that answer.
"It's not easy I'll say that." he chuckled, "But what does your father work in?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets,
"He works with the tech 'n maintenance and all that." she answered, "Not really my forte."
"Oh, my sister does that kind of thing as well." He said with a small smile, as Cassi beamed at him, "Really? What's her name? Maybe my dad has met her?"
"Her name is Kamilla." Pasha answered, looking around the area.
"Hmmm, Kamilla..." Cassi racked her brain to try and remember if she had heard that name from her father before, but huffed in disappointment after a moment, "Nope, don't think my dad's ever said anything about her."
"Well that's too bad," He replied, "You two should meet at some point, I think you'd get along."
Cassi nodded, "That would be fun!"

"Miss Cassi!"
They both stopped walking when they heard the kids call out Cassi's name. "Miss Cassi, who's that?!"
"He's tall!"
"I wonder if he's gonna help here?"
Cassi chuckled at all the kids before she answered, "He's new and he is going to help here." All of the children collectively gasped before crowding around Pasha.
"What's your name?!" Most of them shouted this question, making Pasha flinch in surprise.
"Ah, well my name's Pasha Hunter." He rubbed the back of his neck with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.
"Hi Mr. Pasha!" One of the boys said with a grin, then suddenly all the kids burst out into questions for him to answer and Cassi nudged his arm with her elbow "Told ya they'd like you."

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After answering lots of questions from the kids ('Why's your hair so long?' 'Where are you from?' 'Why do you have a weird accent?' etc.) Cassi had led him to where the Smiling Critters had been told -by her- to meet up.

"Since you're going to work here now, thought you might as well actually meet the main care-takers of the kids. I call 'em that since they stay when all the workers leave." He nodded along while she gave him this information. He had heard a little bit of info on the critters before he had come down to the PlayCare so he wasn't going in completely blind. Still, he had never seen any photos of them, just bland descriptions.
"And here we are!" Cassi announced, as they arrived in front of a large circle of statues, each looked like a different animal with a pendant around his or her neck. "They should be here soon." and if called by magic DogDay tapped Cassi on the shoulder.

"Hello Cassi!"
Pasha quickly turned around to see the large toy-like orange hound standing behind him and Cassi. He was around eight or nine feet tall and had a sun pendant attached to the belt around his neck. Pasha looked behind him to see seven other similar stuffed toy-like animals grouped together.
"Hi DogDay! I'm glad you could get enough time to meet." Cassi smiled at the hound, he nodded before looking over at Pasha. "Who is this?" He asked as he tilted his head at the man.
"This is Pasha! He's a new worker and I've been showing him around." Cassi answered, making DogDay nod, "Well hello Pasha, I'm DogDay and- I should probably get the others over here." And with that he left the two.
"So that's what they look like." Pasha muttered, making Cassi turn towards him,
"Hm? Oh, did they not give you an actual description?" She asked, he shook his head,
"Nope, it was just, 'they're quite tall, and also they are not exactly human'." He answered, imitating the man's voice of who he had first been meeting with, making Cassi laugh.
"Yeah they don't tell you you're going to be working with living toys down here when you first get hired. But it is a toy factory so I guess it was implied." she crossed her arms and leaned to the side as DogDay and the other critters walked back over to them. They were all very excited to meet the new worker. After everyone introduced themselves, Pasha was taken away with Kickin as the kids wanted to talk to him again, Kickin thought he was pretty cool and said he wanted to come along. Cassi watched the two leave as DogDay came up to her.
"Kickin seemed to take a liking to him fairly quickly," He said, watching the two as they played soccer with the kids. Cassi chuckled, "Surprising ain't it? Kickin normally thinks he's 'too cool' to be around the workers, me included I think."
"He doesn't think that Cassi," DogDay said, not picking up the joking tone in her voice. Cassi shrugged, "Eh, it doesn't really matter to me in all honesty. But I'm glad that the kids like Pasha." She smiled, watching the group continue to chase each other around with the soccer ball.
"Yeah, it's always nice to get another person the kids trust." DogDay spoke.

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A/N: Alright! First chapter done! Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!

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