"I'm not talking about Benji... you know full well exactly who I'm talking about."

"Y/N! Y/N! You'll never guess who's just walked in!"

Lizzie's lurching back over to your table, a mojito in either hand, one of which she plonks down on the table in front of you with a flourish. You groan inwardly, anticipating her saying something wildly inappropriate about Van whilst Johnny's sitting right there but thankfully she just giggles, taking the hint as you shoot her a warning look. She slumps down and you turn your attention to the bar, watching as Benji chats animatedly with Van and Kathleen. He points over in your direction and Kathleen instantly starts beaming wide with recognition, waving enthusiastically as she totters over, leaving the boys to collect their drinks.

"Y/N! This is a surprise! When you introduced yourself at the meeting earlier I didn't realise you were THE Y/N!"

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

You're not left wondering for long, as Kathleen soon fills you in, drawing out the chair right next to you and sitting down, a huge smile on her face.

"Van's always talking about his students, and your name comes up a lot!"

"Oh, really?"

You smile back at her sweetly, cringing on the inside, wondering what on earth Van's been saying about you, figuring that it can't be good. Infamously you're the problem student, your reputation preceding you as you stumble and fail time and time again with your studies. So what she says next takes you totally by surprise.

"Yeah, and I know us lecturers really shouldn't have favourites, but I can tell how highly Van thinks of you. I've never seen him so invested in a student's progress before!"

As she speaks she leans in, lowering her voice conspiratorially although she doesn't quite carry it off. Her voice is still loud enough to carry around the table and Lizzie sniggers, giving you an over the top salacious wink when you catch her eye. Johnny squeezes your thigh. You quickly look back at Kathleen, feeling warmth rise to your cheeks.

"That's a surprise, I'm not exactly a... umm model student. I've been a little slack with my studies to be honest."

You play with the straw of your mojito, trying to ignore the wide cheeky grin splitting Lizzie's face in two and the feel of Johnny's fingers tip-toeing up your leg.

Kathleen shakes her head, eyes bright and warm. "In this job you get to know a student's potential even if they don't know it themselves. That's what's so rewarding about it. It's the opportunity to guide and shape young lives, mentor them to be the best version of themselves."

God this is excruciating. Images flood your head of your recent encounters with Van and his promises to teach you a lesson in the most improper of ways.

"I agree with you Kath," Johnny adds. "I think we can all see Y/N's potential."

As he speaks he slides the very tip of his finger over the silky fabric of your panties, applying just enough pressure to your clit to make you gasp. You pretend to cough, reaching for your drink again as a distraction. You can't believe what Johnny's doing. He's always been so cautious and now he's playing the riskiest of games. You can feel your temperature rising, the danger of getting caught heightening the thrill.

And now here's Van, moving across the room towards you, scanning the faces at your table. Greetings are exchanged all around but you stay quiet as he takes the seat directly opposite you and next to Kathleen, smiling meekly at him when he nods and says your name. He leans back in his chair, his expression unreadable as his eyes flick between you and Johnny and back again. He looks like he's about to speak but then Kathleen rests a hand on his arm, stealing his attention as she looks between you and him.

Forbidden (Catfish and the Bottlemen AU)Where stories live. Discover now