Part 5

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Subadra's gaze lingered on her grandson, who sought solace in Garima's embrace, a silent plea for the maternal love he yearned for but couldn't articulate. A lump formed in Subadra's throat, yet she mustered a gentle command, veiled in firmness, "Chottey, come with me."

The unexpected sternness in his dadi's voice sent a shiver down his spine, planting seeds of doubt. Had he made a mistake in sharing his hobby? In a bid for refuge, he clung to Garima with newfound fervor. Garima's comforting pats on his back were silent promises of protection, a barrier against any looming threat.

Khushi, ever vigilant, caught the subtle shift in Arnav's demeanor. She positioned herself between him and Subadra, a human shield from his grandmother’s probing gaze. Her voice, laced with courage, challenged the elder, "What's wrong, Dadi? Why must he go with you? He's done nothing to get scolded by you." Her defiance was clear, her stance unyielding.

Garima's heart swelled with pride at her daughter's audacity, a trait inherited from her father, a warrior for justice. Yet, her concern for Arnav was palpable; the boy needed tenderness, not reprimand. With a heart heavy with empathy, she implored Subadra, "Please, he's frightened enough as it is, Aunty."

Subadra's head gently swayed, her eyes reflecting the warmth of Garima and Khushi's protective stance towards Arnav. A smile touched her lips, for this was her deepest wish—to see her grandson enveloped in unwavering support. Yet, amidst the protective cocoon, a misunderstanding had woven its way. "I have no intention of scolding him, Garima," she clarified, her voice soft but clear. "I merely wish to show him what  he wants.”

Her gaze shifted to Khushi, the little lioness, "And you, Choti Sherni, accompany us. Observe, I mean no harm to him," she announced, rising from her chair with a grace that belied her years.

Khushi, her resolve as firm as ever, gave a nod. Abandoning Arnav was not an option. Turning to Garima, she urged, "Mumma, join us. Arnav's grip on you speaks volumes—he's not ready to let go."

Garima's eyes met Arnav's, their hug broken yet their hands remained intertwined. With a smile that reached her eyes, she assured him, "You needn't let go. If you wish, I shall accompany you. Is that what you desire, Aaru?"

A smile crept onto Arnav's face at the affectionate name from Garima aunty. In a hushed tone, he confessed, "Yes. I'd like you to join us."

Khushi, overhearing the exchange, couldn't help but beam, playfully echoing, "Aaru... waahh waah," celebrating the new bond forming before her eyes.

As the group prepared to depart for Raizada Mansion, Khushi found herself rooted, her mind a whirlwind of confusion. Arnav's hand in her mother's, a connection she longed to share, yet the fear of causing him distress held her back, and her lips curved into a pout.

Subadra, perceptive as ever, extended her hand towards Khushi, her voice a gentle beckon, "Come, Titaliya, take my hand."

Khushi's face lit up like the dawn, her feet carrying her swiftly towards Subadra. With arms wide, she embraced her, her joyous exclamation filling the air, "Dadiiiiiiiii!"

A collective shake of the head from Arnav, Subadra, and Garima greeted Khushi's boundless enthusiasm. "Drama Queen/Nautanki," they teased, affection tinting their voices.

Hand in hand with Subadra, the group began their short journey to Raizada Mansion, the Gupta residence a mere whisper away.

Raizada Mansion

Subadra led them to the last room on the first floor, a sanctum of memories sealed behind a locked door. It was her hidden treasure, a repository of her life's moments. Yet, today, she felt a compelling shift; it was her grandson, her Chottey, who needed it more. Turning to Arnav with a tender smile, she invited him into her past, "Chottey, you've always been curious about this room, haven't you?"

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