Part 4

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Delhi International School

As Arnav and Khushi entered the school, they were deep in conversation—Khushi animatedly explaining something, with Arnav listening intently. His brief responses didn't deter her; as long as he was engaging, she was content.

Their exchange was abruptly interrupted when three students blocked their path: Akash Khanna, the notorious troublemaker; Payal Sharma, his ever-present sidekick; and Sheetal Kapoor, the latest recruit in their clique, still smarting from Arnav's public rejection. They wore mocking smiles, with Akash taking a step forward.

With a smirk, Akash taunted, “Look who's here after attending his mother's second wedding, Arnav Singh Raizada.”

Sheetal stood beside Akash, her smile sharp as a blade. "Yeah, his mother must have gotten tired of his rude behavior and  tantrums so she left him behind."

Payal, draping her arm over Akash's shoulder, chimed in, "And he should have taken his little protector with him, as always."

Akash let out a scornful laugh. "Weakling."

Each word struck Arnav deeply, yet he remained unflinching. This wasn't a new ordeal for him; ever since his parents' divorce, these bullies had relentlessly tried to corner him. He had once lashed out, but his father's words echoed in his mind: reacting only handed them the reins of his life. So, he chose to stand his ground, steadfast in his resolve.

Khushi's eyes blazed with a fire that reflected her inner turmoil. She clenched her fists and retorted, "The real weakling is the one who can't pass without cheating."

Payal stepped forward, her voice laced with anger, "Shut it, you little pest."

Unfazed, Khushi rolled her eyes. "Ah, here comes the blind follower of a self-proclaimed celebrity. Payal baby, consider yourself lucky I haven't spilled everything yet, or you'd be facing expulsion."

Sheetal narrowed her eyes, "Stop lying, Khushi."

With a knowing smirk, Khushi shot back, "Not everyone is like you, Sheetuuuu…thu..thu... What's that in your pocket? A Mobile phone, perhaps?”

The trio fell silent, aware that any further provocation could lead Khushi straight to the principal's office with complaints about their prohibited phones.

They averted their gaze and shuffled off to class. Meanwhile, Khushi gave herself a theatrical pat on the back for a job well done. Arnav could only roll his eyes and mutter, "Will you ever change?"

With a defiant shake of her head, her ponytails swaying, Khushi declared, "Never."

Arnav sighed and continued walking. Arguing with Khushi was futile. As long as she was safe, that was all that mattered.

Khushi hoisted her school bag higher on her shoulder and fell into step beside Arnav, her curiosity piqued. "How can you stay so silent, Chichu? Don't you ever want to give them a piece of mind?"

Arnav, his gaze fixed ahead, responded without missing a beat, “If dogs bark at me, I can’t bark back at them, Spoofy."

Khushi's eyes rolled in exasperation. "Please, Chichu, even dogs would take offense at that comparison. Apologize to them, now!"

A chuckle escaped Arnav as he affectionately tapped her forehead. "You're impossible, Spoofy. And no, I won't apologize to the dogs. Save me from your Nonsense."

But Khushi wasn't one to let go easily, especially when she believed an injustice had been done—even to dogs who were blissfully unaware of the conversation. She persisted, trying to coax an apology out of him, all the way to their classroom.

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