Lesion: Our first run is over, returning for run two.

Jäger: It's too risky, cancel the second run. It looks like you've hit the most of them already.

Frost: Rules are rules, Jäger. We were told to do three runs, we'll do-

The plane was hit by a rocket, seemingly out of nowhere.

Thatcher: Bollocks! They've been hit!

Twitch: We're sinking!

Glaz: What the hell...

The sniper mumbled as he looked into the sky and saw a jet passing his teammates' sinking plane.

Glaz: You've been hit by a jet, it was right above you.

Fuze: That's nonsense, Glaz. It can't be.

Glaz: It's an F-16

Ash: Glaz, repeat what you just said, please.

Glaz: Our plane has been hit by a jet that appears to be an F-16.

Sledge: What are the bloody Yanks doing here?

Castle: Helping you.

Sledge: I didn't mean ya, you're good.

Ash: Retreat from the base immediately.

Tachanka: What? We haven't even started yet.

Ash: It was an order.

Ela: This can't be all for nothing we have to search through the base.

Ash: I said, retreat! Or you-

She was removed from the channel.

Pulse: What was that?

Dokkaebi: I kicked her out of the channel. It's time we take matters into our own hands.

Mira: Vigil, Nøkk, how are things down there?

Vigil: Lots of traps, but we've disarmed most of them. We're moving closer to the target's location.

Aruni: There's no way Hassan is still down there, right? He must've ran when the first sirens howled.

Tachanka: We should all meet up and continue from there, together.

Glaz: No. Someone needs to check on the plane. It crashed not too far away.

Kali: We'll do it.

Clash: I'm coming with you. You'll need more than two snipers to roam around out there.

Thermite: She's right, let's not forget that we're still in enemy territory.

Kapkan: No. Everybody stay inside and do not exit the buildings.

Clash: Since when are you the boss here, Kapkan?

She asked as she walked towards the exit of the building.

Kapkan: My traps are all over the place, you'll step in them, so for your own good, stay inside!

Clash: Screw your traps.

Kapkan: Clash, I'm serious, stay in-

An explosion was heard through the comms, followed by a static.

Pulse: Clash?

Thatcher: Clash, do you copy?

Doc: I'll go check on her.

Kapkan: Don't you dare.

Smoke: Doc, for the love of God, just stay where you are before you'll get blasted as well.

Thatcher: I'll clean the building with some EMP grenades.

Lion: Guys, my drone is picking up movement. Someone is coming closer-shit. My drone has been shot. They have snipers, stay-

A shot rang out through the building, followed by Lion dropping to the ground.

Blitz: Lion, are you there?

Kapkan: Everybody stay in cover. Glaz and Kali will check on the plane, well hold our positions and wait for the enemy to come to us. We'll pick them off one by one.

Capitão: Shit! They're coming through the windows, get- *static*

Rook: Cap? Are you alright?

Jäger: We can't stay here, they'll call for an airstrike.

Thermite: We can't leave either, they have snipers all over the place by now. Without Glaz or Kali we're easy targets.

Kali: Should we head back and cover you guys?

Castle: Nah, we're good. Check the plane.

Glaz: We're almost there, it's not looking good guys, not at all-hold up, someone's there.

He said as he dropped to the ground to take cover.

Wamai: One of ours?

Glaz: No.

Mira: Enemies?

Glaz: Pretty sure, yes.

Castle: Al-Qatala?

Glaz: No. They're not Urziks nor Iranians.

Zofia: Russians perhaps?

Glaz: I doubt that. They have a different uniform.

Tachanka: So an unknown enemy?

Glaz: I'll look into-Kali get down-

A shot could be heard followed by the thump of a body.

Glaz: Shit. There are snipers all over the place, they got Kali and are on alert now.

Castle: Get out of there, Glaz. Or they'll get you too.

Glaz: I doesn't look like there are any survivors on that plane. Get Ash back on the channel, we need to get the fuck out of here.

Vigil: We're in Hassan's hiding room now. It's empty.

Jäger: Search around, maybe you'll find something.

Ash: Guys? What the hell was that? Did you just throw me out?

Pulse: No, we can't leave the base, it's surrounded by snipers.

Ash: Glaz and Kali, cover them and get rid of the snipers. I'm calling in an evac.

Glaz: That's impossible, Ash.

Ash: Why? What happened?

Rook: Just get us some air support, we're under heavy fire!

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