Chapter - 1

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In the grand hall of the Kim clan's ancestral estate, the clan leader sat at the head of a long wooden table adorned with intricate lacquerware. Arrayed around him were the leaders of neighboring clans, their robes rich with embroidery, their expressions a mixture of deference and admiration.

Taking a delicate sip of steaming tea, leader Kim listened as Lee Songmin, the elder of the Lee clan, began with warm words of gratitude. "Esteemed leader Kim, your kindness in hosting this feast after our successful hunt is truly commendable. Your heart is as generous as your clan's reputation."

Yoon Beosik, the leader of Yoon clan, known for his composed demeanor, followed suit. "Indeed, the Kim clan is renowned for its righteousness and tranquility. Your aura is a beacon of peace that few can rival."

Park Jongdae, the elder of the Park clan, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. The Kim clan's forgiving nature and easy-going spirit are unparalleled. No other clan can match your hospitality. I'm very honoured to have my son be betrothed to the Kim's"

The said clan's leader maintained a gracious smile, his dimples accentuating his calm demeanor. The Kim clan, named after heaven itself, embodied purity and grace. It has rumours saying that those who visit the "Heavenly Lights" would wash away all their sins and get spiritually cleansed.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the hall as a servant burst through the doors, breathless and nervous. No one dared to run in the halls of Heavenly Lights. If someone has to be so rushed then it must be an emergency in sort. All eyes turned towards her, including the Kim, whose brow furrowed slightly in concern.

The servant approached the leader and whispered urgently in his ear. His eyes widened momentarily before he composed himself with practiced poise. "Please excuse me," he addressed the assembled leaders, rising gracefully from his seat.

The Heavenly Lights, adorned with the shade of purple all over. From the flowing white robes adorned with intricate purple waves cascading down their shoulders, to the swords wielded by noble warriors. Each blade shimmering with a royal hue aglow with violet flames. The handles, adorned with flickering purple flames, signify the inner fire and determination of those who wield them, illuminating the path of justice even in the darkest of times.

The key rings that dangled in the sides of their waist, crafted from lustrous purple jade, serve as talismans of wisdom and authority.

The purple colour is not merely a shade.

It is a testament to the harmonious convergence of power, nobility, and spiritual transcendence. It is the hue that binds together the threads of destiny, casting a radiant glow upon all who walk the path of righteousness within the Heavenly Lights.

And moreover to their closed ones, the purple means, love, trust and support. That's one of the reasons why the Kim clan has been one of the main and strongest clans in the whole nation. There is a belief, saying that the clan is solely standing great just because of their loved ones support.

Outside the hall, the Kim leader quickened his steps, which is so unlike for the Kim people who have been taught to not walk in a rush from their very young age.

At the village square, a crowd had gathered around a spot marked by a very dirty narrow pit that must not be too deep for a human that is standing inside. Among them, children cheered with excitement, while the villagers murmured disapprovingly.

Kim Namjoon's heart sank as he saw his son, covered in filth. The children's encouragement clashed with the villagers' disapproval.

One of the villagers scoffed, "Look at him, diving into filth like that. And he's an omega! Unbecoming, I say."

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