Obsessed (Part 2)

248 7 26

(Bryce POV)

I pick a bottle beer that was laying on the Alley ground and smash it on the girl's head making blood pour everywhere.

What the hell? People are crazy here. I need to clean myself up I don't want Chris to see me with lipstick everywhere on my face he will think that I was making out with someone else. But he's in the hotel right now... I'll just explain him everything I'm sure he will believe me... I think...

I start walking toward the hotel and trying not to be embarrassed at all the people looking at me while My face it's full of someone lipstick... I should just had washed my face on the Bar...

Am I really that dumb?

I reach the hotel picking the elevator to be faster reaching our room... Creepy... I haven't been in the elevator since that day... I've never told Chris about it... I don't think he remembers it though...
I walk through the hall of the hotel reaching our room... I reach for my key on the pocket and stick it on the hole that's on the door...

I unlock the door and I don't see Chris there... Probably his on the bathroom...

I look on the bathroom and nothing...

I look on the closet and nothing either... Where is he?

Maybe he's gone to the bar, and I didn't see him there... Well, I hope not I don't want him to think that I left him there alone...

"Chris?" I say out loud waiting for a reply

Nothing... I'm starting to get worried...

I go to the bathroom wash my face... I rush a towel throw my face making all the lipstick disappear in seconds... Much better... Now I can see my Handsome face again clearly...

After that I think of going to the bar again... Maybe he's there and I just didn't see him... Yeah probably that's the answer for this... Or he is fooling me somehow...

I suddenly hear a knock on the door while I was lost in my thoughts

I open the door hoping it's Chris but it's not... It's the girl next to our door...

"Hello" She says

Great she's from America too.

"Hi" I reply

"Are you the partner of the dark blue hair boy?" She asks sweetly

"Yeah why?"

"The ambulance came to pick him some minutes ago. He fell from the porch"

My face suddenly turns in sadness, confusion, angriness all at once. He didn't fell from the porch I know that... I grab the woman's shoulders scaring her


"I- I don't... know the ambulance came here some minutes ago everyone was worried..."

"Thank you" I say

My hands are sweaty... I need to get to the closest hospital right now.

I leave from the hotel running... I pick a Taxi and tell him to go to the closest Hospital from here. He didn't understand English to well, but he was able to understand my request. He drives to the Hospital.

I pay him 50 euros. I don't care if not the amount he would ask... Money it's not a problem for me... I just need to see Chris... What if he's dead?

No! Of course, he's not we are not that high... Right?

I go to the balcony and ask desperately from him... Where is him... What room is he at?

After the girl that was on the balcony discover where him is, I rush to the elevator... Floor 4... Floor 4... Floor 4... I keep repeating on my head...

After I reach floor 4, I run looking at each number trying to find Chris number...


I open the door and see Chris laying on bed... 


'HANDSOME' II COTAG II ELEVATOR HITCHOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz