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Aurora Saint Laurent

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Aurora Saint Laurent

The next week, we had arranged a routine in the new apartment and I was successfully not avoiding Riven. After what had went down at the grocery store, it was like he had made it a mission to tag along everywhere, be in front of my face 24/7.

Which made it had anyways as he was my neighbour.  A good thing the rule was made no one night stands in this apartment. My heart is already broken enough and if I see or hear anything going in his room, It would be difficult for me.

Walking in the kitchen I find Nick, his girlfriend Hannah, Darren, Arden, Issac and Riven talking about something. 

"Hannah!!!!" I squeal as she runs upto me and hugs me. Hannah is my usual partner during the team games, as she's always there to see Nick. Nick and Hannah have been dating since high school which is cute.

"I missed you bitch!! I heard the game was brutal but you were more focused on the nachos we order as usual." She exclaimed as she walks over to Nick who wraps his arms around her waist.

"Duh!!! It's Aurora were talking about. Food is her life. Am I right or am I right?" Darren asks as I laugh.
"Right it is, Darren. Anyway what are you all doing here?"

"Well....we wanted to check out the apartment and then we were planning a small trip to the beach during sunset this evening, care to grace us with your presence?"

"I'm down....is it okay if I invite two of my friends, Shanaya and Davina? You'll like them both." I ask.

"Definitely....more important question are they single??" Issac asks as Riven slaps him on the head.

"Well....shanaya is single and Davina has a boyfriend but might break up soon. Of course that's what you want to know." I say as I wrap my arms around Ardens shoulder.

"You sure you wanna come?" He asks
"Yup...it's high time I need to socialize.  Don't worry about me A, I'm fine." I kiss his cheek on my way to the terrace to calm yaya and tell her about the plan.

"Hey." Riven stands by the door.
"I just wanted to ask you that you sure you want to come? I mean are tou comfortable?"

Is he, the Riven King looking out for me?

"Yeah...it's high time. I need to get rid of this paranoid feeling about being creeped out."

"If you feel uncomfortable tell me, I'll bring you back home."

"Riven, whay are you doing this??"

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